Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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I'm Jim, 75 yrs. I was a beekeeper for 37 years and did a lot of lifting. I hurt my lower back 3 times. The 4th time was 10 years ago and it's never stopped hurting. I have had a laminectomy, stem cells, 15 epidurals, many doctors with no answers or relief. MRI and Xray show a perfect spine, hips etc. Chiropractors, massage therapists, accupucture, help temporarily. The only real help has been 4 years of physical therapy and 35 mg of Percocet/day. I have self diagnosed this as Central Sensitization (CSS). It's 24/7 pain/exhaustion. I just don't know where to turn anymore. The narcotic comes with it's own issues, but has allowed me to have something of a life. CSS seems to be the only logical explanation????


I'm Jim, 75 yrs. I was a beekeeper for 37 years and did a lot of lifting. I hurt my lower back 3 times. The 4th time was 10 years ago and it's never stopped hurting. I have had a laminectomy, stem cells, 15 epidurals, many doctors with no answers or relief. MRI and Xray show a perfect spine, hips etc. Chiropractors, massage therapists, accupucture, help temporarily. The only real help has been 4 years of physical therapy and 35 mg of Percocet/day. I have self diagnosed this as Central Sensitization (CSS). It's 24/7 pain/exhaustion. I just don't know where to turn anymore. The narcotic comes with it's own issues, but has allowed me to have something of a life. CSS seems to be the only logical explanation????

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Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect @thebeeman. You may find this topic quite relevant your search for a diagnosis and the possibility of CSS:
"Has anyone been diagnosed with Central Sensitization?" -


I am Carissa and I work at MB 9DE. I love to paint and go to open mics. I also love karaoke. My favorite color is purple.


Hi up until 16 months ago. I was an avid walker, loved wooout and the outdoors. Suddenly after a walk I started having lower lumbar issues and swelling/inflammation that never goes away. I have had 2 ablations, epidural, steroid injections and still no change. Then 4 months ago I started nightly leg cramps for 5 weeks. When that stopped I started having extreme sensitivity to fabric against my legs and to heat, and terrible pain along my shins on both legs. I was told that the chronic back pain let to this. I do not want more injections. I do not want the Gabapentin, Lyrica, or Cymbalta. Does anyone here know what I could do to help with this leg pain and sensitivity?

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Did you have MRI's of your spine? What did that show? I am using PEA and ALA supplements currently for nerve pain from tarlov cysts. Not sure it would help your situation, but maybe worth a try. You could try larger doses of magnesium also to help with cramping. I use mag citrate or mag glycinate. Also cramp bark herb can help if you're trying to avoid Rx muscle relaxers.


I have polynuropothy and severe muscle cramps in legs calf. Always bother me at nite after 4 hours of sleep. I take lyrica 300 mg total 900_1200 mg daily and still have major problems Charlie horse. Will a muscle relaxer help? Also will I be able to withstand maybe I take at night. Have taken a Percocet no help.



I wish I had gotten the spinal cord stimulator implant much sooner than I did. It's really helped reduce my peripheral neuropathy pain. Burst DR is something you might want to research.


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Hi, it's Jules. I'm considering a spinal cord stimulator implant for my neuropathy. What restrictions or modifications on my life if I do this. Can I drive for example?


Retired physician .
Also have pain in left mid inner buttock area since
Retired from serving in Vietnam during the war. Injured after a fall in jungle. Had Agent orasnge disease. To have a sprint neurostimulator installed this week . Anyone have experience with. Sprint for peripheral nerve pain ?


Hi, it's Jules. I'm considering a spinal cord stimulator implant for my neuropathy. What restrictions or modifications on my life if I do this. Can I drive for example?

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As I recall, the restrictions had to do with protecting the leads to avoid having them move while scar tissue forms to hold them in place. No lifting, bending or twisting for maybe 4-6 weeks. I think that driving was ok once I was off narcotic pain medication. If I had it to do over again, I would time it so I could do yardwork during the spring and summer months. I have a lot of work to maintain my place. I have ten acres, but around an acre around the house and barn. At 73, I'm working toward making it more low maintenance.

The restrictions were certainly worth it. The first year was wonderful, having so much less pain. I'd forgotten what it felt like without intense pain. I'd say that recovery limitations were nothing when taking into consideration the potential benefit.

No one can know for sure if or how much they will benefit from a SCS implant until they do a trial.

I hope that if you get an SCS, you'll enjoy the pain relief as much as I did.



Did you have MRI's of your spine? What did that show? I am using PEA and ALA supplements currently for nerve pain from tarlov cysts. Not sure it would help your situation, but maybe worth a try. You could try larger doses of magnesium also to help with cramping. I use mag citrate or mag glycinate. Also cramp bark herb can help if you're trying to avoid Rx muscle relaxers.

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Thank you so much! I continue to hope and search for answers. I am very interested. In the supplements that you mention what milligram would I get and where do I buy them? Is there a particular brand I can’t thank you enough I hope you have continued better health.


Thank you so much! I continue to hope and search for answers. I am very interested. In the supplements that you mention what milligram would I get and where do I buy them? Is there a particular brand I can’t thank you enough I hope you have continued better health.

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Most online supplement retailers will have all types of magnesium, for sure ALA (alpha lipoic acid), and PEA ( a fatty acid). Not sure i can recommend one brand over another. Lot of people in our TC forum use Mirica PEA. I use Natural Factors. I can't for sure say it's helped a ton yet, but here it takes a few weeks to notice an effect. Lot of good brands ALA out there. I use dr's best. Jarrow is usually good or NOW brand. Cramp bark is a bit harder to find. Might need to find some bulk herb supplier. It's part of many women's monthly cycle help formulations as it helps menstrual cramping, but I've found it good for general muscle tightness. Leg muscle cramping at night could be a mineral imbalance too..make sure you get potassium, magnesium in balance. There are also magnesium lotions you could rub on cramping areas. Or using epsom salts in a bath. I use herbs like valerian, kava, black cohosh, st johns wort, skullcap also for nerve pain. You can research a bit online for more info on these. They each work a little differently. Of course always make sure to use cautiously if you're on prescriptions meds. There can be interactions. I've tried CBD also internally, but haven't gotten as much help from that. Everyone is different. Hope that some of this may be helpful to you! I've suffered with chronic pain for many many years and can't tolerate most Rx drugs or suffered terrible side effects from them. So I had to teach myself what natural remedies are out there and use trial and error. I don't know as much about ayurvedic (Indian) or Chinese herbal medicines, but they are out there too. And there are many manual physical therapies most people don't know about that can be helpful too.

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