Lamictal rash?

Posted by minajo @minajo, Feb 8, 2024

My daughter might change from Zonisamide to Lamictal but dr warned of the dangerous skin rash , aka Johnson Stevens syndrome?
Please reply if anyone has experienced this.. thank you

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I Just tried yogo nidra on your recommendation, and it felt amazing. Thank you!

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Great to know that @hopefullibrarian, it made me smile!
It is always best to practice yoga nidra in the morning or early in the afternoon.
If you wish, I can share my yoga nidra practices on Insight Timer app with you by whatsapp. Just send me your number through a private message here on the site.
Have a nice evening!


Hi @hopefullibrarian
Great to know that, it made me smile.
It is best to practice it in the morning or early in the afternoon.
Have a nice evening!
PS: I have sent you a private message


I've been on Lamictal for three years. My understanding is that rashes from Johnson Stevens Syndrome will show up in the first three months after starting the drug, and it's pretty rare. If you notice "any" rashes during that timeframe, report them to the doctor immediately. I didn't get Johnson Stevens syndrome, but I had several rashes. They varied a lot, and were in different parts of my body. I wasn't completely rash free until this last October. I reported each new one to my doctors (PCP and Neuro) they both told me that they had nothing to do with the medication. As @santosha said, "Every person reacts differently." Side effects vary. My rashes were harmless though definitely from Lamictal. My point is that, your daughter may get rashes from the med, and it's important to report them, but it doesn't mean it's serious. Other than some brain fog, and what I call "brain glitches", I've handled the drug reasonably well, and it's been effective.
Side note: The "brain glitches" are hard to explain, and I don't know if anyone else gets them. Other than being a bit awkward when having a conversation, they don't worry me.

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Hi, could you expand on the "brain glitches"? I've had experiences when I forget to take my lamictal where I exhibit symptoms of a mini-stroke—very strange. I have been unable to find ANYTHING about this even from neurologists. It would be very helpful to hear your experience.


Hi, could you expand on the "brain glitches"? I've had experiences when I forget to take my lamictal where I exhibit symptoms of a mini-stroke—very strange. I have been unable to find ANYTHING about this even from neurologists. It would be very helpful to hear your experience.

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Hi jvi1991,
I'll try to explain what the "brain glitches" are like.
It doesn't happen often. When it does, it's while I'm speaking. I sort of hit a wall, often mid sentance. I don't lose awareness--I don't lose time--and it's not the same as forgetting what I was about to say. I just can't finish. It's like I'm unable to get the words out, and I can't seem to bring myself out of it, I just keep trying. When someone else speaks, it sort of breaks the spell.
Is this at all similar to what you experience?
It's extremely rare that I forget a dose, so I don't see any correlation to that in my case.
When I've mentioned it to my doctor, it gets brushed aside like it's unrelated, but I really don't think that it is.


Hi @hopefullibrarian
Great to know that, it made me smile.
It is best to practice it in the morning or early in the afternoon.
Have a nice evening!
PS: I have sent you a private message

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I've been praciting yoga nidra everyday as well as doing my best to meditate. It's been very helpful in calming my anxiety. I'm so grateful that you shared this practice with us.


Hi @hopefullibrarian
Thank you so much for sharing your experience of yoga nidra with us. This practice of yoga nidra could help so many others with anxiety and sleep issues. And it is so simple to practice it, you just need to lie down, close your eyes, and hear what is being said in this practice.
I use mostly the free version of the app Insight Timer. But you have also free practices of yoga nidra on YouTube. In this case, I recommend looking for practices according to the Bihar School of Yoga and/or Swami Satyananda Saraswasti.
Wishing you all still a nice weekend!
Chris (Santosha)

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