Anyone know of articles saying acupuncture causes recurrence of cancer

Posted by 199 @199, Feb 11, 2024

The VA has denied my request for renewal of acupuncture for my CIPN. Both the acupuncture provider & oncologist are okay with acupuncture. However, the VA Community Care has stated that I need to discuss with my VA provider & oncologist their claim that acupuncture causes "remetastasis" of cancer causing restarting of chemotherapy. My VA provider has not heard of this.
I have requested the VA Community Care to cite the source and send me a copy of the article, if possible. I have searched: Google, Microsoft Bing, and DuckDuckGo & found nothing supporting the Community Care claim.
Thank you,

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They are asking you to prove a negative.
That is not how the medical field determines the need for treatment. Proof of the benefit of a treat is determined by whether it has “significant”effectiveness which is a statistical term. It’s a percentage of the people treated had good outcomes.
No one ever says chemotherapy doesn’t work because there are a few people who didn’t benefit. Chemotherapy is recognized as a good treatment because a statistically significant number of people benefited. Before treatment is considered beneficial to the general public, the research must be replicated with the same significant results. Peer reviewed research is the higher standard.

You should only need to show that acupuncture has been researched and is beneficial. Or, show that the VA has approved the treatment in a similar claim. Check the veterans forums.

To prove the negative . . . “ I’ve heard rumors, or read unsubstantiated articles, that says it doesn’t work. Prove to me that I’m wrong!” Isn’t the way claims are determined. Although it is an effective way to lower claim approvals.


They are asking you to prove a negative.
That is not how the medical field determines the need for treatment. Proof of the benefit of a treat is determined by whether it has “significant”effectiveness which is a statistical term. It’s a percentage of the people treated had good outcomes.
No one ever says chemotherapy doesn’t work because there are a few people who didn’t benefit. Chemotherapy is recognized as a good treatment because a statistically significant number of people benefited. Before treatment is considered beneficial to the general public, the research must be replicated with the same significant results. Peer reviewed research is the higher standard.

You should only need to show that acupuncture has been researched and is beneficial. Or, show that the VA has approved the treatment in a similar claim. Check the veterans forums.

To prove the negative . . . “ I’ve heard rumors, or read unsubstantiated articles, that says it doesn’t work. Prove to me that I’m wrong!” Isn’t the way claims are determined. Although it is an effective way to lower claim approvals.

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Totally agree with you. I believe the VA just does not want to continue my acupuncture treatment. The have given me 20 treatments (initial 12 & then a renewal for 8) and now they do not want to continue. I was surprised they just did not say no and be done with it. They are now not dealing with someone who will accept their lame decision without back up. I would never have been allowed to state something without a reference source while working on my Master's! I have my "teeth in" this now & won't give up without them showing me their "source". The VA started this & I cannot have this without my VA provider & I discussing this & she does not have the source, just told me to talk with my oncologist. I will not start with my oncologist without knowing their source. I feel it is the VA's duty to disclose their reference source so that I could have an informed discussion. (I already know that I have benefitted from the acupuncture & that my oncologist has nothing against it. My acupuncturist worked with Mayo in another state before moving to this area). Would have been easier for the VA to just deny rather than state an untruth!


I’ve been in cancer research for nearly all of my professional career spanning 40+ years. And having developed chemo induced peripheral neuropathy as a result of aggressive treatment, I have spent considerable time looking at articles dealing with ameliorating the symptoms using physical therapy exercises, acupuncture, analgesic ointments/creams and medications such as gabapentin and duloxetine. Three key sites American Cancer Society , American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and have nothing on acupuncture as a causative action on recurrence.

When there are issues with a government agency or its programs, the place to turn to for assistance and resolution is your member of the House of Representatives and your two members of the Senate. On their staffs will be a person whose deals with health policy as well as others who will do investigative work on your behalf to resolve issues. I first learned the value of contacting a member of Congress through my Mother. Each Congressional district will have one or more district offices in addition to the office on Capitol Hill. I have gone in person to the district office but more often call the Capitol Hill office and speak with the appropriate person.

The key is to prepare in advance. Be clear and concise. State the facts, names and dates. Brevity is important. The staff member will ask for more detail when necessary. Have documents available such as acupuncture being approved, treatment dates, etc., to support your case. From personal experience, resolution took between 2-3 weeks.


definitely sounds like utter nonsense.

Acupuncture is recognized by the US NIH, as having proven medical benefits.

If you want to get into some details. Some folks think of treatment as either a perfect cure, or it is worthless.

Some natural treatments like acupuncture, chiropractic and other treatments may provide help for a condition. And that is something significant. A treatment does not have to perfectly, completely and for all time, cure an illness, in order to be a valid treatment.

I get acupuncture. It helps in many ways. If I did not get it, I would be much worse off today. I might even be fully bedridden without it. It can take pain away and do various other things. How long those effects last vary. For me, they tend to last strongly for a couple of days and hold somewhat for a couple of months...and by that time I have taken the next treatment.

Acupuncture is thousands and thousands of years old. Techniques that don't work, do not survive thousands and thousands of years.


Thank you. I had 20 acupuncture treatments courtesy of VA community care & now they do not want to continue for what they posted as it not being good for me. I do believe that they should just have said "no" because that would have ended it. As triciaot stated: "Prove to me that I’m wrong!” Isn’t the way claims are determined. Although it is an effective way to lower claim approvals." That unsubstantiated claim has unleashed my anger for the VA. Daring to state that to someone you have already paid for 20 treatments without a problem is not right. Also not right to make false claims to scare someone. I am going to keep pursuing this as "stageivsurvivor" suggested all the way to my Congressman & Senators.

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