Swollen feet and ankles
Hello, all!
I've been here many times before, but always with questions about my increasingly wobbly balance. While that problem remains pretty much unchanged (I'm now seeing a physiatrist), this morning I have a new question: swollen feet and ankles. Briefly, I first noticed that my left foot was puffy about two months ago, but with no pain. Since then, the swelling spread to my left ankle. Now my right foot and ankle are both swollen. But again: no pain (just the puffiness). I have talked to my PCP about this; she has advised me to cut way, way back on salt, coffee (including decaf), and sugar (that's easy for me: I don't like sugary anything); also, to drink plenty of water and get exercise. A little about me: I'm 77. I take three Rx medications: Amlodipine & Losartan for blood pressure (long since under control), and Diclofenac for arthritic knees. I and my partner eat what I would consider a healthy diet: a combo Mediterranean and DASH diet (to keep my BP in check). Does any of this sound like a situation you're facing, or have remedied? I would welcome hearing from anyone with experience with swollen feet and ankles.
Ray (@ray666)
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I've done my own massage to ease pain in lower legs. Also, yoga position for about 20 minutes of legs up against the wall. Seems to help.
Good morning! I also have swollen feet and ankles, mostly ankles. I had a stroke a year ago and have had this problem (among others) since. My Dr. has me wearing compression socks and they help some. I am on amlodipine , simvestatin ,potassium cloride, and meds for thyroid, aspirin, otc meds for eyes, skin, hair. I am wondering if the B/P medicine could be replaced by something that doesn't cause the swollen ankles.
You sound exactly like me. Amlodipine causes this. So does obesity. My weight went from 95 Kg to 164 Kg on Beta blockers over 10 years. When I lived between Nice & Monaco my weight never exceeded 95 Kg I am six feet . However look at your ECG closely. I am a dentist not a cardiologue. Look at the T Wave. If it is blunting and you cannot really walk all the way across Michigan City Beach Parking, you have early Congestive Heart Failure and a 50% chance of living 5 years. I am not a cardiologue. My cardiac nurse practitioner didn't know T Wave. I told her it shows ventricular repolarization. For the next heartbeat if you have blunting T Wave and can't make it in foot the whole parking lot, you have early Congestive Heart Failure.
Yes the Amlodipine can be replaced....by a variety of beta blockers. However you'll experience rapid weight gain in beta blockers. American Amlodipine has carcinogens. I was a dentist but before that a chemist. The Canadians recalled American Amlodipine ten years ago. Our FDA did nothing. British Amlodipine is exported to Canada because the Canadian authorities found no carcinogens. Obviously I import my own British Amlodipine.
Gout....I have gout. I am Northern Asian. All the Drs here wanted to treat me with Allopurinol. Well in one published account in Tokyo over 100 Northern Asian patients were isolated to a burn unit because Allopurinol killed the epidermis. Almost no US Dr knows about it. Every patient succumbed. If you're Northern Asian and you take Allopurinol it will kill your epidermis. Take Adenuric. It works and does NOT kill epidermis. It came out 15 yrs ago from Japanese chemists .
Hi I’m 78 and started to have “thicker” ankles a few years ago.
I don’t have a kidney problem so I tried
to “balance” the sodium in my diet with
potassium; Generally,
I don’t add salt to the
food I prepare and the
much of food I buy from the grocery store
has salt already added,
so I don’t buy it if it has
too much salt or any
salt (depends on what
I like to eat) AND I
got a potassium supplement to balance
the sodium in the frozen food meals I
may eat. I look for “no
added sodium” or “low sodium on boxes of soup and canned food. I try to
add as much raw, dark green leafy food to
my main meal as I
can (It adds more
B vitamins and other
minerals than anything else I can eat… also helps with
blood sugar because
it contains alpha
lipoic acid). To get
all the dark green leafy
food I need in one meal, I put it in my
small food chopper
(e.g. bunch or part of
a bunch of organic
parsley). I could only
find one potassium
supplement that would
give me any significant
amount of potassium.
Maybe that is because
supplemented potassium may be unhealthy or possibly dangerous for anyone
with kidney disease.
Anyhow, I feel rather
guarded about giving
out the name of my potassium supplement
as I feel it’s important
for it to remain available, but if you or
others want to know
I’ll tell you. Also, I
found several pairs of
Neutral or light grey
compression sleeves
for my ankles. I have
not had to resort to
prescription medication for my ankles and I feel that
they look no thicker
now than when I was
in my forties. I am
Hope this helps. mdowis
I went to my PCP 4 years ago with swollen leg foot and ankle. She sent me immediately to hospital to rule out blood clots by doing ultrasound. No blood clots but also she never called for a follow up. A couple of years later was diagnosed with diabetes 2 and one of the telling symptoms is swollen feet etc. So. So much for my PCP but I have noticed that over the years my PCP was great for occasional UTI or something pretty simple. But as I gave gotten older as they say not so much. Should also say no family history of diabetes and overall good diet including absence of alcohol. Never really liked the taste. So all if that said here I sit with PN also connected to diabetes. So I. The long run my advice is ve your own advocate. Noone cares about your health more than you
Hi Ray, I would guess your swollen feet/ankles is brought on by the Amlodipine. Maybe ask your doctor is there might be a substitute med.