Feeling light headed

Posted by dad0229 @dad0229, Feb 9, 2024

Hi Team,
I have been feeling very lightheaded and somewhat weak. My appetite is fine, my blood pressure is controlled, I am anemic, I have been thinking about going to er. Its starting to bother me at work. Anyone experienced this or similar ?

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Hang in there. Perhaps try a phone call to the office directly.
Enough time has passed since 1/ 24 that the results should be in

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Thanks for the encouragement


I seen my Nephrologist on 1/24/24 and did a full panel blood and urine but they have not gone over my lab results, and I cant get in touch with them via my Portal, Im very discouraged about that and disappointed.

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@dad0229 I can really sympathize with you on that. So many of us experience the same thing. On Tuesday, after the holiday, call their office if you can, and ask to have the doctor or his nurse practitioner go over the results, reminding them you tried to communicate via the portal with no success. If you have access to those results, print them out so you can see what they might discuss, and have questions ready to ask them. As a patient, we sometimes need to "push" a bit. It's our right, and our responsibility to do that, to be good to ourselves! Good luck and let me know what they say!



Thank you for your response. Yes I have an appointment for Monday with my primary care Dr She is going to evaluate me and go from there, however if I get any worse I may go to ER soon. How long did it take you to feel better after your treatment ?

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@dad0229 I’ve been dealing with CKD since 2005. I’ve had a nephrologist since about 2008. These bouts of being light headed occurred over the years. When it was BP meds that needed adjusted my nephrologist did so. Switched one med to something else and adjusted the dose of two other meds. There was a big improvement right away. The nephrologist also monitors labs. When the sodium was low he caught that and made some adjustments again. He also diagnosed a condition that I had called orthostatic hypotension. It is what Ginger was referring to. It is when BP changes suddenly with changes in position. Such as a BP drop when standing up after laying or sitting down for awhile. That can also cause lightheadedness. Being aware that this exists helps to prepare for it. The lightheadedness that comes from dehydration continues to be a problem from time to time. I am not good at staying well hydrated. I was just reminded of this on Monday at a nephrology follow up appointment. It is a lot to mull over. I hope you can get some answers at your next appointment. You can also maybe get some insights into your lab results and what they may mean regarding this. Ginger has responded to you. She is great and has knowledge and experience in kidney things. Someone else recommended phone calls to get to the bottom of this. That is good too. Can you keep us posted on your progress?


My Tacrolimus level was increased a few months ago, and I have experienced dizzy spells since then. Anemia could also be a factor in your case. It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor.


Thanks for the encouragement

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No one knows your body better than you. I recommend to keep a diary of your day to present to your doctor. Take your blood pressure several times per day. Keep track of how much fluid you drink to the ounce. How many times per day you urinate and the color of your urine. All circumstances surrounding your dizziness. Before or after you eat. What you have eaten. When you sit or when you stand. Your exercise level. Do you have any other symptoms. Numbness, tingling, pain of any kind. Write it all down and present your diary to your physician. As many and concise things you keep track of, all will help your physician. Blessings.

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