My Experience on Evenity for Treating Osteoporosis

Posted by arlene7 @arlene7, Jul 7, 2020

Thought I would share for those considering or on Evenity for osteoporosis:
Afer much research and discussions with my GP and Cardiologist, I have decided to start my treatment with Evenity injections. As with all drugs, there are many side effects. My biggest concerns were stroke and heart attack. However, considering that I do no have any history for either, for me personally, the benefits outweigh the risks. As my GP said to me, "if everyone only thought about the side effects of the drugs, no one would be taking them".

I had my first injections (subcutaneously in the back of each arm) on June 30th. The nurse that administered the injections discussed the drug in depth, along with all the possibilities that may occur. She also mentioned that for all the patients that she has seen, none has had any side effects.

The injections are once a month for only one year, so I'm hoping that this works well for me and I can improve my bone density, especially in my spine, where I need it the most.

My endocronologist has also prescribed Hydrochlorthiazide for my idiopathic hypocalcemia. I have an appointment with an allergist this month to confirm whether I still have an allergy to sulfa drugs, since this drug contains sulfa. Apart from this I take D3 orally and try to obtain additional calcium through foods not supplements. Trying to walk 3-4 times a week and will begin with a few weight bearing exercises.

My journey began September, 2019 when I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. After waiting to see three doctors, receiving three denials from insurance company for Evenity, which took several months, I am hopefully on my way for a favorful outcome.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


@sandrajhunt if you read the studies that caused the black box warning for Evenity, there was no difference in stroke risk between Evenity and placebo. There was a slight but apparently significant difference between Evenity and Fosamax, but it is possible (the study says) that that difference was because Fosamax is slightly protective.

I have a heart issue but didn't worry too much about Evenity in that regard.

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And you have had no side effects frim Evenity?


And you have had no side effects frim Evenity?

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I am 75. On my 6th evenity injections. No side effects to speak of.


And you have had no side effects frim Evenity?

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I have side effects from every med, I think! I was concerned by an immediate abdominal tightness that noone else has reported, but it has eased up and I am going to have my second set of injections this week. I have no expectation of avoiding side effects: I did cancer meds for 5 years and Tymlos for two years. I look at risk/benefit. I hope to have a med break after Reclast!


Windyshores, I spotted this on for Evenity.

" Romosozumab is also a treatment option for patients previously treated with teriparatide or abaloparatide."


Windyshores, I spotted this on for Evenity.

" Romosozumab is also a treatment option for patients previously treated with teriparatide or abaloparatide."

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Thank you @normahorn. I convinced my doctor. He wrote me "thank you for your persistence" which I thought was very funny.


Thank you @normahorn. I convinced my doctor. He wrote me "thank you for your persistence" which I thought was very funny.

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I found it amusing that you had to be so persistant when the use is stated in the Physician Desk Reference.


After takining 2 evenity infusions, at my doctor’s suggestions for osteoporosis, I began to have acute joint pain and stiffness in my fingers, next my elbow and knees. When I voiced these side effects to my doctor I was immediately taken off the infusions. After 2 months of every test imaginable my doctors could find no other cause for my pain. Now my fingers are almost completely useless, fatigue and stiffness has taken over my entire body. My doctor seems to believe that there is a connection to the infusions. Reading the side effects mention 18 percent of users as having joint and bone pain. I am curious if this happened to any other user of Evenity. Is there anything that will reverse this side effect, or am I doomed to live like this? I am 71, active and in good health.

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Hi Vicky.

I’m sorry about your joint pain. I was wondering if it’s any better? After my third injection of Evenity, I started having those side effects. November 3, 2023 was my last injection and I’m still having the side effects. I have pretty much constant pain in my shins and calves (tibia) and it is tolerable when I’m not on my feet much. It gets worse with exercise, too much standing or walking. I also feel tingling, pins and needle sensation. When it’s really bad after too much activity, I feel it in my knees and as far down as in the top of my feet sometimes. After an active day, the pain is worse at night when I’m sitting with my feet up reclining, more than when I’m on my feet. if anyone can let me know how long these side effects lasted for them, I would appreciate it. Thank you!


Hi Vicky.

I’m sorry about your joint pain. I was wondering if it’s any better? After my third injection of Evenity, I started having those side effects. November 3, 2023 was my last injection and I’m still having the side effects. I have pretty much constant pain in my shins and calves (tibia) and it is tolerable when I’m not on my feet much. It gets worse with exercise, too much standing or walking. I also feel tingling, pins and needle sensation. When it’s really bad after too much activity, I feel it in my knees and as far down as in the top of my feet sometimes. After an active day, the pain is worse at night when I’m sitting with my feet up reclining, more than when I’m on my feet. if anyone can let me know how long these side effects lasted for them, I would appreciate it. Thank you!

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Hi I’ve posted previously of the same side effects you mention that started after 6 months of injections. Never had an ache or pain prior to Evenity. Stopped after 11 mos as it was hard to move. Took 6-7 months to go away but Fosomax made effects come back, switched to Actonel 1x a month and only have mild aching at times. All meds seem to have some side effect but I am 67 and very active and hope to stay that way! Do know most bone building from Evenity takes place in first 6 mos. I would have stopped sooner had I known that. I don’t know how to link you to my previous comments. Had great improvement in my spine so I guess now it was worth it!


Hi Laura. Thank you for getting back to me. I was able to see your other comments by clicking your username. Your comments were very helpful. I’m thankful that you’re on the mend. That was quite a disruption to your active lifestyle. I’m at that point now where I can’t exercise because of the pain I’m praying it gets better soon. I appreciate your help! Marci


Hi Laura. I had one more quick question. Did you take any medication the 6–7 months that you were having those side effects from Evenity. I just stopped the medication and I don’t plan on getting back on anything else until the side effects go away. Thanks!

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