Post Covid Head Pressure/ Dizziness

Posted by rmc1021 @rmc1021, Aug 2, 2023

I am new here, I had covid last year, I have not been the same since, I feel like I am dizzy often, I have head tightness and pressure, some times stabbing pain in my temples. Feels like vertigo at night when I am just sitting there. its horrible, I had had 2 cat scans of my head, nothing came up. I really believe this is from Covid.

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It is SO hard to keep trying different protocols and feel no better. I’ve been on this “what it’s not” road for such a long time. Yes, advocate for yourself is imperative (trust me, no one else will), but at some point your health is not good enough to keep going.
Each time I start something new, I get a glimmer of hope, but then it doesn’t work, and I am cast down again. After a couple years, it’s very hard to keep hope going.


@rmc1021 and @mbryant1380 You are not alone with the symptoms you describe. Reads very similar to mine that began shortly after my first (and last Moderna booster!) in November 2021. The sensations I have/had are unique and difficult to describe exactly. Feels like dizzy but not exactly, feels like dropping on a roller coater but not exactly, feels like light headedness but not exactly, when I stand/stood still I sense a rocking sensation. At not time have I fallen and I do have good balance. The only time my Wife and I tested positive for COVID in July 2022. I knew something was wrong and went to my GP in January 2022, he threw every test in the book at me and my journey of "what its not" began here in Charleston SC. Long story short advocated/pushed for myself and ended up at Mayo Rochester August 2023. Executed the Mayo program and now feel better and hoping Long COVID becomes a memory. mbryant1380 You are not alone with the symptoms you describe. Read very similar to mine that began shortly after my first (and last Moderna booster!) in November 2021. The sensations I have/had are unique. Feels like dizzy but not exactly, feels like dropping on a roller coater but not exactly, feels like light headedness but not exactly, when I stand still I sense a rocking sensation. At not time have I fallen and I do have good balance. The only time my Wife and I tested positive for COVID in July 2022. I knew something was wrong and went to my GP in January 2022, he threw every test in the book at me and my journey of "what its not" began here in Charleston SC. Long story short advocated/pushed for myself and ended up at Mayo Rochester August 2023. Executed the Mayo program and now feel better (notice in some of my descriptions I use past/present tense and hoping Long COVID becomes a memory. I wish you well in your recovery. Highly recommend you take "the journey of what its not" with your local providers and then if needed find your way to Mayo Rochester for their program. It has worked for me.

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Can you tell me anything that helped the dizziness....mine just started and its horrible.
I am 2 years out as a long hauler.


Can you tell me anything that helped the dizziness....mine just started and its horrible.
I am 2 years out as a long hauler.

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@ritzgerb I wish that I could, because the sensation I describe is really my last remaining Long COVID problem, but I can tell a bit more story about the few times it subsided or went away. I wrote what my unique head sensation feels like so I won't type that again. One thing to emphasize though I have never fallen nor feel like I am going to fall. In fact, when I walk my dog I sometimes end up spinning around and I do that with ease. It's a unique sensation in my head that won't go away permanently. However, I recently had COVID again (just a bad cold) and as I was getting over it for a couple of days this unique head sensation went away. I have read of others stating COVID kills Long COVID and I think I experienced that for all of 2 days. For another issue I had, for 2 weeks I took an antibiotic and ibuprofen. Antibiotics are strong anti inflammatories and so is the ibuprofen. About a week in I felt pretty much normal. When I reported that to a couple of Doctors, they both remarked "that's interesting" which isn't the answer any of us are looking for.

So, here I am typing an answer to you and my unique head sensation remains, some days it is light and some days it rages. I did learn that it is classified as pain, because it sure doesn't feel good!


Can you tell me anything that helped the dizziness....mine just started and its horrible.
I am 2 years out as a long hauler.

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Hi @ritzgerb. My physical therapist suggested romberg stance to help eyes focus that send signals to the brain. It has helped and need to be honest the random spells continue going into third year with at least some relief to be grateful for! Healing wishes to you🌈


I attribute vestibular physical therapy to the decrease in my post covid (post viral) dizziness. It was helpful. Best wishes.


I have had long covid for over two years. I have tried many meds and physical therapies to no avail. It is difficult to describe my main symptom but it is mostly in my head. Neurologists have classified it as "migraine like". I do not feel actual head pressure but I feel what can only be described as a "halo" around my head. I do not have vertigo or any other vestibular issue. I am not dizzy it is just a strange feeling {aura like} that is with me day and night. Some days are worse than others but so far no doctor has been able to "cure" me. Anybody else feel the same thing?


I have had long covid for over two years. I have tried many meds and physical therapies to no avail. It is difficult to describe my main symptom but it is mostly in my head. Neurologists have classified it as "migraine like". I do not feel actual head pressure but I feel what can only be described as a "halo" around my head. I do not have vertigo or any other vestibular issue. I am not dizzy it is just a strange feeling {aura like} that is with me day and night. Some days are worse than others but so far no doctor has been able to "cure" me. Anybody else feel the same thing?

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I definitely caught covid in spring 2023, but I have been on a downward spiral since 2021 which I suspect is from covid vaccinations and boosters. (I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a decade earlier.) I also don't have vertigo, head pressure, or pain. However since early fall 2023, I feel like I have 'waves' going through my head which gets worse when I change position or in a moving vehicle. Its not a good feeling, but its easier to deal with than my muscle fatigue.


It is SO hard to keep trying different protocols and feel no better. I’ve been on this “what it’s not” road for such a long time. Yes, advocate for yourself is imperative (trust me, no one else will), but at some point your health is not good enough to keep going.
Each time I start something new, I get a glimmer of hope, but then it doesn’t work, and I am cast down again. After a couple years, it’s very hard to keep hope going.

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I so understand how you’re feeling. I had covid in December of 2022 and lost my taste and smell. I’ve had 3 Stellate Ganglion Blocks to try to regain it and as of yet, not much improvement. I’m going in for a 4th in June and don’t have much hope left. If you haven’t had any of these injections, you should try. Get in touch with your local hospital’s pain management clinic. Northwestern is our big hospital and they’re the ones performing this procedure. They are shots of Lidocaine into your neck (Ganglion Nerves) which are suppose to activate something. I still only have slight taste of salty, sweet and sour on my tongue and smell some things slightly as well. It’s been quite awful to say the least.


I definitely caught covid in spring 2023, but I have been on a downward spiral since 2021 which I suspect is from covid vaccinations and boosters. (I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a decade earlier.) I also don't have vertigo, head pressure, or pain. However since early fall 2023, I feel like I have 'waves' going through my head which gets worse when I change position or in a moving vehicle. Its not a good feeling, but its easier to deal with than my muscle fatigue.

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This (waves of dizziness) have occurred with me since having COVID. I still have dizziness upon standing (accompanied by what feels like rubber legs…legs just don’t want to move and it feels as if legs are disconnected from me). Vertigo also occurs, especially during flights. The vertigo is so bad shortly after the off that I literally must grab hold of the seat. It feels as if I am spinning. The sensation lasts until the plane levels off close to the cruising altitude. The first few times it happened it was so severe, I felt as if the plane was spinning. Now I’m able to work thru the sensation, but it still occurs. This never occurred before having COVID and I have traveled quite a bit.


Hi everyone - looking for some help. I'm a 69 y/o male in excellent health. I tested positive once for Covid in early 2023, but the symptoms were limited to a stuffy nose, sore throat - really like a mild cold. I'm not even sure why I tested but I did, and there it was. It passed quickly (5 days) with no lingering effects.

In February of this year I had the same symptoms. I didn't bother testing for Covid as, again, this was no worse than a mild head cold. I did have a fair amount of sinus pressure both times. My sinuses would close after blowing my nose, only to open a short time later.

But this year, I have had a constant, daily runny nose. It mostly manifests in late afternoon, early evening. It's nothing compared to what so many of you have been through. I'm just wondering, could this be a symptom of some form of long covid? Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm usually never subject to seasonal allergies, although I have had them in the past. It's possible that's what is going on.

Is there any way to test for long covid?

Thank you all, and I wish you all the best. Joe

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