Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Thank you. Will give this a try. I have had this mucous in the back of my throat since COVID in 2022. Nothing has completely gotten rid of it. Salt water rinses, mouth washes, tongue scraping in the morning, antihistamines are all temporary fixes. I have gone to specialists and none of them know what to do for this. I'm so glad this worked for you. God Bless You!

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Thank you . I hope if I take it consistently for 30-60 days it will get rid of it but i don't know. All I know is right now it is gone. I hope it works for you. Let me know . Good luck!


Hi, I wanted to share my experience and how my symptoms got better.

I've been dealing with throat problems since the pandemic started. Mostly night time sensations of a narrow throat, with phlegm stuck, but not much coming out all. Any attempts to clear it made it worse. In the beginning this was a source of great anxiety. I felt I was not being able to breath properly. I felt panicky almost.

For a long time, the only thing that worked was changing my mindset: telling myself that it was going to be alright and doing my best not to try to clear my throat until I fell asleep. A few months ago, I decided to try both AstePro and Flonase combined, and that really helped. A lot. After a while, I dropped the Astepro spray and only kept using Flonase on a daily basis. Things were still good. Not perfect, but great.

Because my nose was bleeding a bit with Flonase, I decided to stop using it. Symptoms came back. Not fully, but I was starting to feel uncomfortable some nights. By chance, I came across information about Mullein Leaf. I decided to give it a try since it seemed to have very low risks. Fast forward to today, I think that extract works great. My throat feels wider and any phlegm I may have clears easily. So I'm going to stick with it for a while and then see what happens if I stop using it.

I just wanted to share my journey as it may help others.


Thank you all!! Have had these symptoms since April 2022. Just now starting to ease up. Been thru so many OTC meds to get better. I don't feel alone anymore & that my situation is justified. ❤️


Thank you all!! Have had these symptoms since April 2022. Just now starting to ease up. Been thru so many OTC meds to get better. I don't feel alone anymore & that my situation is justified. ❤️

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How did you heal your drip?


How did you heal your drip?

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Right now I'm doing nasal lavage twice a day followed by Flonase. Also taking generic for Sudafed 12 hr. - the one from behind the pharmacy counter. When I feel my nose or throat building up mucous, I use saline nasal rinse & I also think time has been helping.


Right now I'm doing nasal lavage twice a day followed by Flonase. Also taking generic for Sudafed 12 hr. - the one from behind the pharmacy counter. When I feel my nose or throat building up mucous, I use saline nasal rinse & I also think time has been helping.

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Oops use saline nasal spray when needed.


How did you heal your drip?

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To be clear, I am still having issues but instead of the crud coming from my bronchial tree, it's now mostly in my throat & nasal passages. Before it sounded & felt like I could cough up a lung .


yes, that's when it happens to me too, always after i eat or drink anything, i irrigate my sinuses with a navage, which is like a netti pot thing. if i don't do this then the phlegm will build in my really gets thick if it builds.. at the end of this month it will be 3 years for me from covid...i have a lot of other symptoms but this one is the one i hate most because it is always there.....hang in there..

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I have exactly the same , after covid… I think is related to GERD because it relieved a lot after a 40 day treatment with a strong acid reducer medication…
But I have been struggling for the last 3 years 24/7 every minute


Thank you all!! Have had these symptoms since April 2022. Just now starting to ease up. Been thru so many OTC meds to get better. I don't feel alone anymore & that my situation is justified. ❤️

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Oops, symptoms since April 2023. 10 months


My fellow mucous buddies, I have great news! There is a health food store near me and I went in complaining about the mucous & not being able to breath issue. I was advised to take mucostop as directed. I have for three days & two nights. No wad of mucous in my throat where I'm constantly swallowing, no stopped up nose, no coughing or choking in the middle of the night. It is sold in many places including Walmart. Not sure if there would be any difference in ingredients . Hope this helps!

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I purchased Mucostop and the directions just say take 2 on an empty stomach 3 times daily. A bottle of 48 will go fast at that rate- 8 days. Is that how you took it? It’s pricey at that rate for sure. I paid around $25 on Amazon.

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