I am being treated for inoperable metastatic mesenteric cancer with the monoclonal antibody Vectibix. This is by iv infusion every two weeks. After 2nd session I have had many episodes of very low blood pressure(88/58) with extreme shortness of breath occurring when I do moderate activity. I've read that this is a side effect of Vectibix. Anyone else had similar experience and if so how did you deal with it?
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Hi @brenz, you may have noticed I moved your post to this existing discussion so you can see what others have said about this medication. Simply click VIEW & REPLY in your email notification to get to your post.
What have your doctors told you and your husband about this medication?
Hi @brenz,
Here’s some information from Mayo Clinic on Vectibix (panitumumab):
I’m also tagging @rayleemorris, who was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2010, and has shared a few thoughts about Vectibis.
My husband took vectibix . His side effects were the rash and acne on his face. He said it felt like his face was burning. Looked like he had a bad sunburn.He also had some mouth sores that made it hard to eat and he pretty much stopped eating. He lost a bunch of weight, so pack on the pounds if you can. After a couple bags of fluid, and dr stopped the infusion to give him a break. Unfortunately it did not cure his cancer .colon (cancer metastasized to his lungs.) Prayers and best of luck!
Hi @lah, our story is very similar to yours, though no mouth sores or weight loss as yet, but certainly metasmases to lungs and liver. Our understanding is that vectibix (panitumumab) is only supposed to stop the tumours from growing. No hope of cure. Also prayers.
What is Myers cocktail IV?
My husband has been treated with 5FU and Vectibix for stage 4 colon cancer. While the treatment has been effective, the side effects of the Vectibix have gotten worse over time. Most notably, he gets very low blood pressure (systolic can drop below 80). The skin rashes, particularly on the face, scalp, and nail beds are most unpleasant. It is interfering with his desire to continue with treatment, despite the great results.
Hi @ode, unfortunately skin side effects while on Vectibix (panitumumab) are common. Has his cancer team given him some tips to help reduce the skin rashes like moisturizing the skin multiple times throughout the day with a fragrance-free and dye-free moisturizer?
How many more treatments does he have?