I am being treated for inoperable metastatic mesenteric cancer with the monoclonal antibody Vectibix. This is by iv infusion every two weeks. After 2nd session I have had many episodes of very low blood pressure(88/58) with extreme shortness of breath occurring when I do moderate activity. I've read that this is a side effect of Vectibix. Anyone else had similar experience and if so how did you deal with it?
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Welcome @davy80,
I understand that Vectibix (panitumumab) is only used in people who have the KRAS gene. For that reason, I'd like to introduce you to @sue_in_delaware. Sue just found out that she has the KRAS gene. She has colon cancer with mesenteric metastasis, but I don't think she has taken Vectibix.
Davy, did your care team mention that the side effects may be cumulative?
Thanks for your reply. I have the wild type KRAS gene so Vectibix is<br />
considered OK for my treatment. This is my 3rd time with intestinal cancer<br />
since 2003.<br />
I'm hoping to find how others have dealt with this side effects of lowered<br />
bp, extreme shortness of breath and general tiredness.<br />
Three days ago I received from my primary an IV infusion of a Myers<br />
cocktail and these symptoms have been reduced. I will have another Vectibix<br />
May 11 and another Myers IV the next day to see if it provides similar<br />
benefits and will post results.<br />
Yes, please post the results @davy80. I hope someone else will chime in with their experiences with Vectibix
While I haven't yet found another Connect member who is undergoing treatment with Vectibix, we have several members who have had multiple dances with cancer. Let me introduce you to @travelgirl @neeter @hopeful33250 @barblacanne @ikampel2
@davy80 I did not receive Vectibix. I've been told it is not effective for the KRAS positive (gene mutation)
My blood pressure drops when I am dehydrated. Are you drinking 10 or more glasses of water a day? My BP was also low during the entire time I was having difficulty with too much diarrhea, but then, that does cause severe dehydration. (There's probably a few other things and you should ask your doc. Let us know and keep us posted!)
Vectibix is used for wild type (or KRAS negative), people who do not have the gene mutation.
There are a lot of misunderstandings all over the internet forums. I'm still learning so much.
I' m drinking 10 to 12 12oz glasses of water/Gatorade in a 50/50 mix. I had surgery March 8 which disconnected my small intestine from the large and
created an ileostomy. Staying hydrated is extremely important with this condition.
My primary physician suggested that the surgery plus the Vectibix infusion plus the 30# weight loss are all a strong demand on my system. He recommended Myers cocktail IV. I had this last week and the symptoms I was having were quite reduced. Not eliminated but reduced in both frequency and severity. Unfortunately this is not covered by insurance and is $90/IV out of pocket. But it did help and fortunately I can afford to do this every two weeks. Hopefully this will continue to provide help through my next 6 Vectibix treatments.
I do have the KRAS wild type gene.<br />
Thanks Sue. Wild type, positive, negative - it's easy to see why there's confusion on internet forums. Thanks for setting it straight here.
@davey80, I was diagnosed two weeks apart with two different cancers cecum and follicular lymphoma.
I was at Mayo Clinic earlier today and just under went testing for Lynch Syndrome.. I won't know for a month as to the results. Based on what genetic testing finds out I guess that will determine how my future treatments will be handled. Having to deal any and all of this is nerve racking..
I wish you the best with your treatment..
Has anyone taken Vectibix ? If so what were your side effects? Did it work? My husband will be starting it with Xeloda soon and looking for info on Vectibix. He has been on Xeloda so we know what to expect. Thank you