Dizziness and confusion

Posted by kentkemmerling1949 @kentkemmerling1949, Jun 20, 2023

I have been suffering with dizziness since January 2020. I have tried all kinds of physical therapy, visited ENT, neurologists and anyone else that will listen to no avail. Does anyone else have this problem?

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Yes…and same results.

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I don’t understand what you mean. I am not sure of the question you are responding to.


Yes, I do. My balance & vertigo are disabling & like you no one knows how to help...


2nd Corinthians 4 vs 16-17


covid destroyed my superior nerve causing injury that is most likely unrepairable in both ears. There will be tinnitus but no loss of hearing, only damage to your vestibulocochlear nerve which will result in constant dizziness (non-stop) and major balance issues.

I am 6 months into this and its driving me insane, i am very worried this disease will snowball into a fatal outcome since my only covid attack destroyed so much of my body (i am vaccinated and boosted).


Same here. I've been to all the "ologists" and nothing. I am just in the process of accepting that this is my new life. I've had some competent and sincere doctors, that I can see on their faces that they want to help, but they just tell me that they don't have answers right now and I am able to understand that too.


Paxlovid helped with my dizziness
I’ve also read about low dose naltrexone helping but have not had any experience with this


I had a 10 wk period of vertigo and nausea and only thing that helped was half of a 25 mg Benedryl. MD Rx’d a drug that only helped the nausea. As usual I had to research and find the fix myself. I saw all kinds of specialists, had many tests, nothing found, and it went away after 10 wks

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