Paresthesia- Post-COVID reaction?

Posted by stumpedandgrumped @stumpedandgrumped, Jan 23, 2024

Hi everyone! I registered to see if y'all had experience with my particular experience Post-COVID.

In mid-Jan of 2023, I caught COVID. It was a strange manifestation, with fevers that fluctuated, joint pain, and... most strangely... an entire lack of appetite. I did not feel sick, per se... I just never felt hungry (and food did not appeal to me.) But, after a month or so I was back to semi-normal, albeit with an altered palate (foods I used to love seemed gross, foods I used to pass on seemed nice.)

Late April, I noticed an odd, full feeling in my right thumb. A few days later, I had strange sensations in my wrists, forearms, and shoulders; I had a perception of weakness without weakness. Docs assumed it was a nerve or muscle impingement, treated it accordingly, and moved on. It went away after a week and a half, for about a week and a half... and then returned full force.

About a month later, my right leg began having intense paresthesia along the thigh and down into the arch of the foot. Over the course of a month this began to shift, then began affecting both legs, albeit without the same intensity. For the next, what, 6 months, things fluctuated, sometimes better and sometimes worse... but always there.

Around October, I began to have a flare / clear cycle, usually a week or two on, a week or two off. The intensity of the flares vary but have yet to reach the original levels of ick... but they insist on sticking around like an unwanted guest. The sensation is best described, generally, as a subtle crawling sensation. I've had nerve conduction tests, MRIs, blood tests, metal toxicity tests, infectious disease tests, vitamin deficiency tests, and am currently awaiting the second round of allergen / infectious / testosterone tests. Everything tested so far is maddeningly clear; on paper I am a healthy, if annoyed at the entire thing. I've seen neurologists, orthopedists, infectious disease specialists, rheumatologists, and probably a few others besides. I've given enough blood to fuel a vampire army. I've tried gabapentin and LDN to no effect... and Doxy as a long shot, which may or may not have had an effect. Of note, of the clear periods, the most pronounced were when I was traveling or away from work. Stress has crossed my mind, but... that would be odd, right? The diffuse effect?

Is this long-COVID? I have no idea. Is it something unrelated? Again, your guess is as good as mine. But if someone has insight, either in this community or at Mayo, I would be forever grateful for your help. Help me find a cure and I'll do my level best to make this world one we can all be proud of.

...okay, that is a bit dramatic. But sincerely, your insight is appreciated.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

How awful for you! That must just be so confusing and terrible feeling. And, with no help after all of the tests and doctors! Frankly, I think the only thing left to do is pray! You may have done this already but just pray more. God is there for you. He made you and he can fix you. I had severe migraines for two years and it took two years of me and my mom continually praying before God answered our prayers and the migraines stopped completely! Even if you don't believe in God and Jesus, at this point what have you got to lose and everything to gain? I will say a prayer for you also.
Best wishes,


Yes I have those similar symptoms in my legs and arms with extreme weakness during activities/exercise. If I workout I have lost all my strength and endurance, and afterwards I’ll be in unreasonable pain for a longer than normal time.

If you look up long covid PEM it may help describe your symptoms along with explaining the research as to what’s happening on a cellular level and why none of the tests can diagnose it. I’ve also had the nerve function tests, MRI, CT, autoimmune test, every blood screening imaginable with very little to diagnose or treat.

I was also just diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which again if you look it up there is also data about long covid/fibromyalgia diagnosis's after covid infection.

I never knew anything about fibromyalgia but some of my symptoms match that too and some symptoms I was having but thought it was “age related”…..

Hope this helps to give you answers but it doesn’t help for any resolution from my experience


Yes I have those similar symptoms in my legs and arms with extreme weakness during activities/exercise. If I workout I have lost all my strength and endurance, and afterwards I’ll be in unreasonable pain for a longer than normal time.

If you look up long covid PEM it may help describe your symptoms along with explaining the research as to what’s happening on a cellular level and why none of the tests can diagnose it. I’ve also had the nerve function tests, MRI, CT, autoimmune test, every blood screening imaginable with very little to diagnose or treat.

I was also just diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which again if you look it up there is also data about long covid/fibromyalgia diagnosis's after covid infection.

I never knew anything about fibromyalgia but some of my symptoms match that too and some symptoms I was having but thought it was “age related”…..

Hope this helps to give you answers but it doesn’t help for any resolution from my experience

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Thank you for taking the time to respond! I have been seeing the fibromyalgia / COVID parallels for sure; the fact that the symptoms resolve and return does match some fibromyalgia patterns. I am currently looking into a Stellate Ganglion Block; if the issue is (as someone has put to me) a "record skip" in my immune response, then resetting it might help to resolve. If it works, I will absolutely post here with my experiences and if not, well, there's one more thing I have tried!


How awful for you! That must just be so confusing and terrible feeling. And, with no help after all of the tests and doctors! Frankly, I think the only thing left to do is pray! You may have done this already but just pray more. God is there for you. He made you and he can fix you. I had severe migraines for two years and it took two years of me and my mom continually praying before God answered our prayers and the migraines stopped completely! Even if you don't believe in God and Jesus, at this point what have you got to lose and everything to gain? I will say a prayer for you also.
Best wishes,

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PML, thank you for your wishes and consideration!


Another avenue to explore here could be mold exposure. Many of us Long haulers have been found to have co-infections, like mold toxicity and Lyme disease. May be worth looking into. You mentioned you feel better when you're away from your place of work. Covid became a mold exposure triggering event for me. I had been exposed previously with no obvious symptoms, and the Covid infection opened its doors to hell! Apparently (so I've learned), some of us carry a gene for reactivity to black mold, and can be perfectly fine until a triggering event (can be infectious disease, stress, trauma, etc.) turns the gene "on". From that point on, it remains 'on' and you will react every time you're re-exposed. For a simple, inexpensive do-it-yourself test, take the VCS test online ($17?) at survivingmold. com. This is a quick computer-based exam that can assess for neuro-inflammation. It's a scientifically proven assessment and viewed credibly by functional and biotoxcicity doctors.


My thought is that anything that occurs in your body post Covid that you never experienced before is caused by Long Covid, also known as Post Covid-19. My second round of Covid in 2022 attacked my body in areas I’d had weakness or previous injuries. Before I developed the cough, body aches, and fever, I had pain in the exact area that I had broken my ankle back in 2003. It didn’t last long, but I experienced lack of bladder control on occasion, while walking to the bathroom, not feeling any urgency. I’d been treated for a bladder infection a month prior to getting Covid. I’ve since been diagnosed with Overactive Bladder, controlled with daily medication. I’ve also been diagnosed with Lymphedema in the lower extremities post Covid. I’ve had problems with spider and varicose veins for 30 years. I currently wear knee high compression stockings and use Lymph Press Compression Pump each night after dinner. I no longer have a swelling issue. I’ve also been diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis based on extensive bloodwork along with symptoms of extreme body aches. I am currently weaning off of Prednisone which helped me get off Ibuprofen which I was taking daily to control inflammation causing body aches. I follow a gluten free diet, which relieved the constant bloating after eating. I have also gained 60 pounds in 6 months post Covid with no dietary changes. I have tried various diets, but the weight, especially in the belly area doesn’t want to budge. I also had shortness of breath and daytime sleepiness post Covid. I’ve been diagnosed with Severe Sleep Apnea, and now use a CPAp machine. My shortness of breath on slight exertion, like walking across a parking lot was diagnosed as Bronchial Asthma after a Pulmonary Function Test and 6 minute waking test as well as a chest X-ray. I now use a Ventolin Rescue Inhaler as needed for shortness of breath which is helping. I did Physical Therapy after I completed the Lymphedema Clinic Therapy. It helped me to regain strength in my knees caused by swelling. I am waiting to be accepted to a Pulmonary Therapy program to help me with continued shortness of breath. My best resource has been a local Post Covid 19 Recovery Clinic. It is run by a nurse practitioner with no clinical testing. She basically listens to your story, and then makes appropriate referrals to specialists who run tests and bloodwork to diagnose what is going on in my body post Covid 19. Praying for all on this site as we all strive to recover as much as we can prior to having Covid 19.


So the away from work bit is interesting. The differences I have noticed when things have subsided most substantially:

First round
- Out of the country (away from work)
- With girlfriend
* Vapes extensively
* Cats
- Lots of driving / exploring (with chain vaping girlfriend)
- Doxy

Second round
- Home
- No work
- Vaping girlfriend present
- Lots of driving as above

Given that that girlfriend and no work are common factors, I am trying the Nicotine patch experiment. I do wonder if her vaping was a factor. If not, I lose nothing except a bit of cash. If it works, perhaps I can provide the info to my doctors so they can potentially help their other patients.


So the away from work bit is interesting. The differences I have noticed when things have subsided most substantially:

First round
- Out of the country (away from work)
- With girlfriend
* Vapes extensively
* Cats
- Lots of driving / exploring (with chain vaping girlfriend)
- Doxy

Second round
- Home
- No work
- Vaping girlfriend present
- Lots of driving as above

Given that that girlfriend and no work are common factors, I am trying the Nicotine patch experiment. I do wonder if her vaping was a factor. If not, I lose nothing except a bit of cash. If it works, perhaps I can provide the info to my doctors so they can potentially help their other patients.

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Interesting…yes let us know regarding nicotine patch

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