Hollow echo distortion in ear? Scared

Posted by lissas @lissas, Mar 17, 2021

What is this metallic echo.. hollow in my head?
My ear sounds like there's a actual hollow in my head. Like it's a metal bucket. There's a metallic echo to my own footsteps, tapping teeth, tapping head, male voices, bass sounds.
Anyone else heard of this? It's really frightening to have this develop after a noise damage. ENT has no clue. Please tell me others experience this or know what it is? Thanks!

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Hi. ENT has no clue? That's a surprise (or is it?) Amongst other things i have tinnitus; pain; fullness; numbness around; and off and on echo when i speak or hear. sometimes when blow nose get crackling in ear etc. I am sure during my searches I have seen "echo in ear" listen...maybe do a web search with that question, print and take to EnT/ Just on way out the door so will check back as I am interested in your findings and comments... yes it is frightening... maybe rule out some reasons by having a hearing aid test, but i told her am not wanting a hearing aid would jut like it done and your report so i can show dr if necessary which she did gladly, at a cost.!

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I had veneers placed on the top six front teeth. While waiting for the permanent veneers I started to get an echo when I spoke at an elevated tone. (Louder than normal) then it got to a point where I had to speak in a very low tone. Once the permanents were placed on .. it stopped for about 3-4 weeks. Started back up. The echoing very disturbing and causing anxiety. I end not wanting to speak at all. My dentist has no idea what I’m talking about. Oddly though it only started while getting the vaneers. I’m going to see a ENT but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to be any help after reading all of comments. Does anyone know anything about this?


I’ve had progressive hearing loss since 2022, I developed an intermittent echo and head fullness sensation but not pain. It is associated with lightheadedness and gait imbalance since 6/23. A stroke was ruled out and I was given a Ménière’s diagnosis by a neurologist. I saw an ENT who doesn’t feel it’s Ménière’s. My balance is markedly improved but the echo/head fullness is intermittent with barely any hearing. I was told I have profound hearing loss particularly high pitch and will need hearing aides. My hearing is not great but improved when I do not have the echo symptoms. Should I see another ENT or an audiologist for further testing. It could possibly be related to antibiotics which I have taken in the past for lung issues. Thank you.


You may have "patulous eustachian dysfunction". I developed this condition after an ENT (who I was sent to for post nasal drip) did a nasoscopy (camera tube through nose to back of throat) and said I had a lot of mucous and should take decongestants, use a nettipot, and squirt prescription steroidal nasal spray up my nose 4 times per day. 3 weeks later I told him my sinuses were dry and hurting and I had to stop using so many treatments. The post nasal drip hadn't really bothered me much anyway, I just cleared my throat more often! The ENT then did second "nasoscopy" and the next day I woke up and told my husband, "I can't hardly hear you, it sounds like I'm underwater, and I hear my own voice louder than anything else." Later that day, as it didn't change back, I called the ER and they told me to come right in, sudden hearing loss is dangerous. They did an MRI to make sure there wasn't a tumor or impending stroke, and sent me home. That was 18 months ago, and it's the same or worse. My social life came to a screeching halt. I can't hear what people are saying even with new top of the line hearing aids. It can make it all worse, as loud noises so close to my ears isn't good! I had several hearing tests and it's going downhill. The ENT shrugged it off saying maybe they could do surgery, but research shows that's "iffy" especially for people over 50-60. My Primary doc referred me to another ENT but she turned me down - turns out as she's in practice with the nasoscopy ENT. At this point I'm looking at phones that transcribe into words. I text people more than try to talk. I wish you luck. I wish I knew what to do.


HI @cus and all... yes, so "why" is it with so many people having hearing issues apart from loss of hearing; and apparently involving the brain, there is in 2021 no way to diagnose the many people who are suffering from various such problems... is it because the drs/medical feel there is no complete cure; or not affecting the majority; or ?? We have made great strides in the medical field over the years and not everything has a cure of course but why are many things so hard to diagnose?

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I was diagnosed with "patulous eustachian tube dysfunction with bilateral hearing loss". The eustachian tube valves are stuck in the open position and will not close. There's no infection anywhere, but they have both been stuck for 18 months now, and my hearing is worse. The ENT who I'd been sent to before this happened said it was maybe part of Menieres, as I have occasional vertigo as well as ongoing bilateral hearing loss and tinnitus. I keep Meclazine on hand always; it stops vertigo if I take one pill and lay down with eyes closed for an hour or so. Hearing loss and the PETD? No known cure for any of those things, especially the "elderly".
I think it's what you say ~ these conditions are rare and treatments are "iffy".


Find an otolaryngologist. I have the same thing and my doctor thinks its an autoimmune inner ear disorder. It’s a beginning.
Best wishes


Did the doctor have any suggestions as to how to treat it?


...just to say the ent phoned me and was in such a bad mood I didn't even get chance to ask him about the echo along with pain, fullness, pressure, numbness: I think he is under a lot of pressure right now with covid and only 2 ent's for 54,000 plus people.... however, he was also yelling at me and comparing my issue to his patients with cancer, needing operations etc., so am on my own again. I think best thing to do is check symptoms on line and go to a clinic or teaching hospital that deals specifically with inner ear issues.... hope you got some help by now, I haven't.... but cant travel out of town. Thats the problem living in a smaller community. My ears are so bad today can hardly stand it, plus new illness: possible Vertigo.... no wonder I get depressed! Take care and, again, hope you have found some help, sometimes we have to dig deep to find answers and my shovel is wearing out! J.

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That ENT has already resigned as your doctor. What a jerk.

I have also found that many 'average' doctors don't want to hear about 'problems' they can't fix with a pill or a treatment.

But a doctor that tells you how minor your 'problem' is compared to patients who are 'really sick' is the worst.

WE hear you and care, Valerie.

hugs, Elaine


Find an otolaryngologist. I have the same thing and my doctor thinks its an autoimmune inner ear disorder. It’s a beginning.
Best wishes

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Thanks Lynne,

I have severe immune mediated conditions, so it makes sense that this resonance echo for everything I say is just a new condition.

If it can't be fixed I have to get used it, along with the bad tinnitus since 1998!

I am taking Cephalexin which is making me sick with chills and fever and terrible flu-like symptoms. Maybe the resonance/echo is caused by this drug? But it isn't listed as a side effect.

thanks for you post, Lynne

Hugs, Elaine


Wow, only my own voice triggers the resonance echo, So I'm lucky!

I do have a Meniere's diagnosis since 2006. I have severe progressive polyneuropathy because my immune system attacks and kills the nerves, both peripheral and autonomic.

Maybe my new condition is just part of my ongoing damage.

I am very tired of it all!

Love, Elaine


That ENT has already resigned as your doctor. What a jerk.

I have also found that many 'average' doctors don't want to hear about 'problems' they can't fix with a pill or a treatment.

But a doctor that tells you how minor your 'problem' is compared to patients who are 'really sick' is the worst.

WE hear you and care, Valerie.

hugs, Elaine

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My R ear has been plugged for 475 days. Painful. Echoes, If I touch skin on left throat, it sounds like I'm inside of a balloon. I have been told ETD from Acid reflux by two outstanding immediate care physicians, in 2023. Off to ENT 12/2003. Was told to pray and buy a book called Root Wellness. Was told the urgent care doctors were wrong!!! Another Dr said neuropathy. Gave me a referral to neurologist that took 6 months. Neurologist said referral was for migraine. UW said it was my age. My head is about to explode. It is painful. I have heard sudden hearing loss many times. I can get it unplugged in the car numerous times, but it only lasts a minute or two. Bur during that time, there is so much relief from pressure and pain. I just want to be better and I know someone will know exactly what is wrong and what the treatment it. Stay strong.

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