Post covid itch and hives

Posted by tania7 @tania7, Apr 4, 2023

I’m 11 months post covid and have been experiencing red, itchy skin for a couple weeks now. When I itch my skin I get hives. Antihistamines seem to work but then it comes back after a few days. Hot water and heat seems to aggravate the situation. Anyone else experience this and find something that works?

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P.S. As soon as I sort out some insurance I will see my doc again (wasn’t eligible to stay on Medicaid). There are some serious illnesses that cause itching so if you can, see your primary care doc for tests to rule them out!

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What kind of serious illnesses can it represent? I had a bout of skin itching in the spring. It was terrible. I saw my dermatologist twice, but no real answers. She says it’s psoriasis, but I’ve never seen anything like it before.


What kind of serious illnesses can it represent? I had a bout of skin itching in the spring. It was terrible. I saw my dermatologist twice, but no real answers. She says it’s psoriasis, but I’ve never seen anything like it before.

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I noticed a real surge in the spring, and my counselor noted that it might be an allergy because my symptoms were like hers.

The serious things are probably on this site somewhere—kidney or liver problems, some cancers.
So are you over it for now?


I noticed a real surge in the spring, and my counselor noted that it might be an allergy because my symptoms were like hers.

The serious things are probably on this site somewhere—kidney or liver problems, some cancers.
So are you over it for now?

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Yes. It’s cleared up. I had full panel of blood work in September including kidney and liver labs and all was good. I have Type 1 diabetes and get regular labs. And, my dermatologist did skin screening several months ago.


Yes. It’s cleared up. I had full panel of blood work in September including kidney and liver labs and all was good. I have Type 1 diabetes and get regular labs. And, my dermatologist did skin screening several months ago.

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Well, not to play doctor, but it does sound like it was probably a seasonal allergy symptom. I’m glad you got all checked out so you can rest easy.


Well, not to play doctor, but it does sound like it was probably a seasonal allergy symptom. I’m glad you got all checked out so you can rest easy.

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Me too. I still wonder. I have had a series of ailments and it causes me so much anxiety. I’m seeing some specialists. I’m not sure if it’s a syndrome or separate issues. I hope it ran its course and that’s it.


I'm 8 month post COVID and still have a skin rash on one of my shins. It doesn't itch to bad now but it sure is visible. Nothing seems to have helped. I tried different kinds of ointment, but none seemed to make a difference. Good luck.


I have had LC for almost 18 months. The itchy rash all over is TERRIBLE. I have tried many things but I have found that ICE helps the itching. Easier to do last summer when it was HOT but now that it is cold Hard to do.It has something to do with sharing the same pathways. Now this is gonna sound strange but it HELPS. A banana peel rubbed over the itchy rashy area. It has some kind of enzyme that helps. I have some other things to try and will let you know if they work. Have had the itchy rash since last April 2023 and unable to get in with a derm. Local derms dont take my insurance (Medicare) and the one that I can get into that takes my insurance I have been trying to get into since last May and now as so much time has passed I am too sick to drive to Seattle.


I have had LC for almost 18 months. The itchy rash all over is TERRIBLE. I have tried many things but I have found that ICE helps the itching. Easier to do last summer when it was HOT but now that it is cold Hard to do.It has something to do with sharing the same pathways. Now this is gonna sound strange but it HELPS. A banana peel rubbed over the itchy rashy area. It has some kind of enzyme that helps. I have some other things to try and will let you know if they work. Have had the itchy rash since last April 2023 and unable to get in with a derm. Local derms dont take my insurance (Medicare) and the one that I can get into that takes my insurance I have been trying to get into since last May and now as so much time has passed I am too sick to drive to Seattle.

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I'm also on Medicare and I had my own doctor write an 'URGENT REFERRAL' to a local dermatologist that accepts Medicare patients. That was the ONLY way they'd see me sooner than 3-4 months.
'URGENT REFERRAL' -- it's what you have to get.


Same exact things.. Dr has me taking Zysal for allergies. It has taken away all the hives and itching. Still have sinus problems.


I also started experiencing reddened, itchy patches, areas on my arms, chest, neck in month 11 post covid. The rash is teeny bumps difficult to see until scratched at which point they become large, swollen patches. Claritin helps itch but comes back. Dermatologist gave me prednisone for two weeks and it cleared but returned about 3-5 days after stopping. My fingernails continue to lift and fall off as well. I’m now in month 13 post covid, as well as having Covid infection for a second time in February. Rumbling vibrations in my head continue…

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Update: rash vanished after 7 months. Once in a while I see a few spots,
but they go away. My neurological issues persist. My new long Covid doc(
previous one disappeared without telling patients) who is very
knowledgeable, has prescribed low dose naltrexone (LDN) which I’ll be
starting next week. He said he’s found it very helpful for neurological
symptoms in his long Covid patients. We’ll see how it goes. Take good care.

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