Living Donation Saves Lives

Oct 10, 2016 | Mayo Clinic Transplant Staff | @mayoclinictransplantstaff | Comments (2)

Hands HoldingNearly 100,000 people in America are waiting for a kidney transplant and almost 15,000 for a liver transplant. Unfortunately, many may never get the call saying that an organ — and a second chance at life — has been found. You can help.

Most people have two kidneys, but only need one. And the liver has an amazing ability to regenerate and grow back to its full size in a matter of weeks. Therefore, living donation is a promising alternative to waiting for a deceased kidney or liver.

Over the next several weeks, help Mayo Clinic raise awareness of living donation. Explore our toolkits, share our posts on social media, and talk to friends and loved ones about the impact that can be made through living donation.
toolkit blue

Living donation is a wonderful act of generosity and courage, taking place when a living person chooses to give the ultimate gift of an organ donation to someone in need.

Learn more about the donation process with our Living Donor Toolkit.

toolkit green


If you’ve been told you need a kidney or liver transplant, we’re here to provide you with all the details of this process, from finding a donor to recovering from your operation.

See how our Recipient Toolkit can help you in your transplant process.


Why Be a Living Donor?

As an endurance athlete who has completed Quote-ChangeSomeonesLife-Transplant_TightCropsix Ironman triathlons and more than two dozen marathons, Michael Koetting does not fear physical challenges. So when he learned he could use his good health to help a stranger in need, he never hesitated.

Learn more about Michael’s story and why he was so eager to donate.


TwiceAsManyBirthdaysDid You Know...?

On average, living donor kidneys last 20 years while deceased donor kidneys last 10 years. That’s 10 extra birthdays to celebrate!

Learn more about living donation with our Frequently Asked Questions.



Be a Living Donor

If you have interest in becoming a living donor, find out how to get started on being a candidate for donation.



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I need a kidney transplant. I was evaluated and accepted for kidney transplant at Mayo in Minnesota. Now I'm looking for a living kidney donor. My daughter donated a kidney to her grandfather 14 years ago (my father-in law) so she can't be a living kidney donor. She however contacted Mayo to inquire about donating part of her liver in exchange for a kidney for me. She was rejected and told that the donor and recipient must be related in living liver donation.


@cehunt57, I would like to say, hi. I believe we recently met in another message.
I am a liver/kidney recipient from a deceased donor. I think I know the anxiety and confusion that you are experiencing. I found out that when waiting for a transplant that time moved slowly and unanswered questions were nearly maddening.

You are fortunate to have family members to have so much love for you. Sometimes there are directives in place that we, as patients, do not understand.

There is a blue link to the Living Donor Toolkit listed above. You can click on it to access it and read more. I read that, "Most living liver donors are a family member or friend. Mayo Clinic requires that living liver donors have a relationship with the person receiving part of their liver."

Sending you a hug and strength for your journey.

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