Cure, connect and transform health care around the world

Feb 8, 2021 | Jennifer O'Hara | @jenohara


Mayo Clinic International is taking health care to the world in new ways. Expanding abroad through virtual, hybrid and on-the-ground patient care.

"I think we have a moral obligation to take the Mayo model of care to the world, particularly as it pertains to serious and complex diseases," says Dr. Anton Decker, president of Mayo Clinic International.

In this Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, Dr. Decker explains how Mayo is delivering health care to patients around the globe and discusses the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To practice safe social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, this interview was conducted using video conferencing. The sound and video quality are representative of the technology used. For the safety of its patients, staff and visitors, Mayo Clinic has strict masking policies in place. Anyone shown without a mask was recorded prior to COVID-19 or recorded in an area not designated for patient care, where social distancing and other safety protocols were followed.

Information in this post was accurate at the time of its posting. For more information and all your COVID-19 coverage, go to the Mayo Clinic News Network and


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