Your Ratings and Reviews Matter

Aug 19, 2019 | Tony Hart | @TonyHart87

5 Star Rating

Leaving online ratings and reviews is a powerful way to help others find Mayo Clinic’s hope and healing. Your health care journey makes you an expert by experience and that experience is valuable to others. Reviews and ratings can give others a sense of comfort and trust as they move through their care journey and provide insights on what to expect.

Where can I leave a rating or review?

There are a lot of different sites to leave ratings and reviews for individual doctors, care centers, and hospitals. A popular site to review a doctor who treated you is Healthgrades, where you can search by doctor name and location and then leave your rating for them under the reviews section. Additionally many use Google reviews to provide a review for a hospital or center. You can leave Google reviews for using any of our three campuses below.

You can also search for a specific center within a hospital like the Mayo Clinic Spine Center in Jacksonville, Florida, to leave a review there. To find a center that is specific to what you were treated for, it’s easiest to use Google to search “Mayo Clinic center” or “Mayo Clinic program” and then the general condition or disease you were treated for, such as “Mayo Clinic center for epilepsy” or “Mayo Clinic epilepsy center”.

Leaving a review for a specific center is most helpful for others, but if you can’t find one, a review for whichever campus you were seen at also helps.

Examples within Neurology

As an example to show you what sort of centers are out there, we’ve provided links to the Google review sites for a handful of neurology conditions and centers at Mayo Clinic.

Mayo Clinic Brain Tumor Program

Mayo Clinic Epilepsy Center

Mayo Clinic Stroke Center

Mayo Clinic Spine Center

Mayo Clinic Neurology

Mayo Clinic Pediatric Neurology

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