Seeking Healthy Volunteers Age 60+

May 30 9:30am | Nick Rethemeier | @nrethemeier

The Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) invites healthy male and females over age 60 to participate in a research study. The DLB Spectrum Study examines whether changes in imaging and biomarkers in people with Lewy body disease match their rate of cognitive and functional decline.

You may be eligible to join the study if:

  • You do not have any cognitive impairment
  • You have a close friend, spouse, or family member who sees or speaks with you at least weekly
  • You do not have a diagnosis of any of the following: any neurodegenerative disorder, REM sleep behavior disorder, parkinsonism, or hallucinations

This is a 5-year study and requires annual appointments at Mayo Clinic. Appointments last up to 4 full days. Appointments can last up to 4 full days, and can be scheduled consecutively or within a 2-month period. We will ask you to complete the following:

  • Blood draws
  • Neuropsychological assessments
  • Positron emission tomography (PET) scans
  • MRI scans
  • DaTscans
  • An overnight sleep study known as a polysomnogram (PSG)
  • Lumbar puncture (optional)

Compensation is available. For more information, fill out the pre-screening form by scanning the QR code below or by contacting the study coordinator.


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