The Center for Humanities in Medicine supports Mayo Clinic’s primary value, the needs of the patient come first, by integrating the arts and other expressions of human culture into the healing environment. The Center engages interconnected communities of patients, families, staff, learners, and the public to promote the artful and compassionate delivery of healthcare. Humanities in Medicine activities are made possible by the generous donations of grateful benefactors.

Mayo Clinic Florida Lyndra P. Daniel Center for Humanities in Medicine

The Lyndra P. Daniel Center for Humanities in Medicine supports Mayo Clinic's primary value, the needs of the patient come first, by integrating the arts and other expressions of human culture into the healing environment.

The Center's programs, educational activities and research in medical humanities serve patients, families, employees, learners and the larger community, by promoting the compassionate delivery of health care. Music, dance and theatrical performances, visual art exhibitions, bedside arts programs and lectures all contribute to the healing environment. Educational programs provided by the Center promote the development of well-rounded health care professionals who are aware of Mayo Clinic’s unique heritage, understand the benefits of a culturally rich healing environment, and are trained in the art of medicine as an essential professional asset.

Music Performances

Professional and volunteer musicians perform daily concerts and bedside programs throughout the hospital and clinic for patients, family members and visitors.

Bedside Arts Programs

Bedside arts programs offer Mayo Clinic patients an opportunity to engage in creative expression and art making, or enjoy a relaxing musical performance. We offer these opportunities as a positive, enriching experience to improve the hospital environment and enhance the healing process.

    • Art at the Bedside - Artists work one-on-one at the bedside with hospitalized patients and their families exploring creative expression through a variety of media such as watercolors, colored pencils, collage and pen and ink.
    • Music at the Bedside – Hospitalized patients and their families are offered an opportunity to enjoy a personal, relaxing musical performance by a professional musician.


Education programs in the medical humanities include workshops that focus on techniques to reduce stress and burnout and build resiliency among clinicians, physicians, nurses and allied staff. Programs include Humanities for the Physician and Physician’s Noon Conference that support the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) core competencies.


Mayo Clinic's campus in Florida affiliates with community partners who help us achieve our goal of integrating the arts, history and ethics in the medical environment, supporting the Mayo ideal that the needs of the patient come first. Our Jacksonville community partners include: