Welcome to the Caregivers for BMT, CAR-T and Hematology blog. Here you will find information relevant to you when caring for a loved one before and after cellular transplant or CAR-T therapy. It is intended to give you the education, resources and support to help you care for your patient and yourself during this time.

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Welcome caregivers, patients, and visitors!

We hope you find the information contained within this website to be informative and supportive. While most of the information is directed toward caregivers (i.e. family members, friends, etc.), patients and visitors may find it helpful too.  

Caregivers are vital to the health journeys of our patients. Caregiving can be a physically, mentally, and emotionally challenging experience. Preparing for your role as a caregiver can help make the journey a little smoother. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed during your caregiver journey, we hope you can make your way back to this website to find the support you need.  

You may find yourself asking – what is the role of a caregiver?  A caregiver is someone who helps you during your treatment process. A caregiver is not a health care provider. Typically, a caregiver is a partner, relative, or close friend. Some people have a rotation of caregivers.


Typical tasks for a caregiver:

  • Be present and care for the patient as needed 24 hours a day, every day, or on a schedule that is arranged in advance. The caregiver needs to be nearby at all times. Problems don’t just happen during the day.
  • Able to spend a long time away from their home, job, family, and other responsibilities.  Attend caregiver education sessions. These sessions teach the caregiver about the therapy process and the care they will provide. Each caregiver needs to share all important information with other caregivers.
  • Monitor the patient’s nutrition: Go shopping, prepare healthy foods, and keep track of what you eat.
  • Keep the living space clean: Does laundry and other household tasks as needed.
  • Practice good personal hygiene, such as regular handwashing. This helps avoid infections.
  • Drives the patient to and from appointments. Goes to all the appointments with the patient. Gathers information that you and other caregivers need to know.
  • Help stay organized. Know and manage your medical details as needed.  Keeps track of the medications. Knows which medications the patient takes and what dose to take of each. Knows when the patient should take them. Make sure to take them on schedule.
  • Closely monitor for changes in the patient’s health. For example, the caregiver needs to take the patient’s temperature when needed.
  • Know what symptoms to watch for. Contact the care team if the patient has any of those symptoms.  Communicates with the patient and the care team as needed. The caregiver needs to feel comfortable enough to tell the patient or the care team if:
    • Is worried about something.
    • Has questions.
    • Has a task that the caregiver thinks they can’t do.
  • Support the patient in their choices and act as their advocate.