Study opportunity: Seeking volunteers with type 2 diabetes and painful peripheral neuropathy

Jan 28, 2020 | Narayan R. Kissoon, M.D. | @narayanrki | Comments (10)

2020_2_18 Spinal Cord Stimulator

Quantitative Assessment of Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy after High Frequency Spinal Cord Stimulation: (QUANT) HF10 Study Seeking volunteers with Type 2 Diabetes and painful peripheral neuropathy

Principal Investigator: Dr. Narayan Kissoon

IRB #17-004317

The Mayo Clinic pain clinic in Rochester, MN is seeking volunteers with type 2 diabetes and painful lower extremity peripheral neuropathy.  We are conducting research on the use of a spinal cord stimulator and whether it can improve nerve function.  Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is already FDA approved for treatment of intractable neuropathic (nerve) pain related to diabetic peripheral neuropathy.  A screening visit which would take about 1 hour is required to make sure you are eligible.

If you are eligible, it will take about 1 year to complete this research study. During this time, we will ask you to make 3 study visits to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN (1 initial visit, 1 visit at 6 months, and 1 visit at 12 months). In between the on-site visits you will be contacted via telephone to review your progress. Remuneration is offered after completion of the study at 6 months and again at 12 months.

For more information, please contact the study coordinator at 507-422-0582 or


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I don't know if this would be right for me I have type 2 diabetes neuropathy in my feet a lower back pain from degenerative disc leg pain nerve pain in my legs and also it seems to be progressing upward in my saddle area and I don't know if this would help or not but you can maybe get in touch with me and I could possibly get some help from this I don't know I take 1800 mg of Gabapentin a day and another 300 has been added at night but when I take it it seems like to be too much I also have some shortness of breath in the morning especially after I get up to go to the bathroom this morning it even seemed like my heart was a little bit numb along with my hands

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