Optimism + Nature = Hope: Meet @sepdvm

Jun 8, 2023 | Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor | @rosemarya | Comments (22)

Meet sepdvm

ROSEMARY: What brought you to Mayo Clinic Connect? 

@sepdvm: Having always used Mayo Clinic’s website as an information source, I was looking for information on the rare location of my type of head and neck cancer when I came upon Mayo Clinic Connect. I believe that I was also given a brochure about Mayo Clinic Connect during my first visit to the clinic.

ROSEMARY: What motivates you to take part in the community?

@sepdvm: Initially, I did not find what I was looking for in the discussions on Mayo Clinic Connect, and very little when looking for information about my husband’s bladder cancer surgery years later. 

Once we were both patients, I felt I had plenty of experience to share on Mayo Clinic Connect to help others who are looking for connection and information like I was in the beginning stages of dealing with cancer. I believe that as patients we need to advocate for our own health care, and I encourage people to do just that. Mayo Clinic Connect offers valuable sources to help.

I have shared my cancer journey openly with friends and family for 11 years. We all need the support and hope that we get from those around us. I can offer my experience, suggestions, and hope for many others via Mayo Clinic Connect. Hopefully my words, my support and experience might be just what someone is looking for.

ROSEMARY: What groups do you participate in?

@sepdvm: I primarily participate in the Head & Neck Cancer, the Kidney & Bladder, the Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT), and the Cancer support groups. I have been tagged by moderators to help members in the Esophageal Cancer and Ostomy support groups, too.

ROSEMARY: Tell us about a meaningful moment on Connect.

@sepdvm: For me, Mayo Clinic Connect has been an amazing source of kind and caring people who offer information and hope to those of us struggling. To think that I might be able to help to reassure another person in some small way, or give them hope in their cancer journey, is very gratifying.

ROSEMARY: What surprised you the most about Connect?

@sepdvm: I think the openness, sharing, and personal touch, as well as the connection between people was more than I expected. I was expecting an information site, but it is much more. This can really be a support system for the members who use it.

ROSEMARY: What energizes you, or how do you find balance in your life?

@sepdvm: In my forty-five years as a veterinarian, I have always enjoyed keeping abreast of new information through continuing education. I utilize that motivation to learn more about my own medical conditions so that I can make informed decisions. I just love learning. 

I balance that intensity with time spent appreciating nature. After my initial cancer surgery, I made it a priority to spend time outside every day. Nature restores your soul.

ROSEMARY: Tell us about your favorite pastime or activity.

@sepdvm: I enjoy all time spent outside: walking with the dogs, hiking, gardening, just being a part of nature. I really miss the horse interaction and riding since we no longer have horses after almost 40 years of being a horse family.

ROSEMARY: Do you have a favorite quote, life motto or personal mantra?

@sepdvm: A favorite motto is The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. As a dedicated optimist,Think Positive is how I survive.

ROSEMARY: What food can you simply not resist?

@sepdvm: My favorite food is dark chocolate. I was so thrilled when it was determined to be healthy for you! (In moderation, naturally.)

ROSEMARY: Puppies or kittens?

@sepdvm: I’m a vet, so both puppies and kittens of course! We always have at least one of each.

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Hi there @sepdvm, it's nice to meet and get to know you. I love your appreciation for nature and it's healing powers, I wholeheartedly agree. You appear to have healing powers as well, it must come "nature"-ally. 😊
Thanks for giving back to the Connect community through your experience and positive mindset.


Thank you for sharing! I too love animals and nature. Staying positive, being your own best advocate, and continuing to educate ourselves, shows how strong we are to fight whatever issue we are facing. Your openess encouraged me to make my first comment. I just joined tonight and am glad I did!


Thank you for sharing! I too love animals and nature. Staying positive, being your own best advocate, and continuing to educate ourselves, shows how strong we are to fight whatever issue we are facing. Your openess encouraged me to make my first comment. I just joined tonight and am glad I did!

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Hello, @flgirl. I'm so glad you decided to join Connect. There is a lot of support here, good suggestions, and information to share. I hope you enjoy the experience and congratulations on being a cancer survivor. You are obviously staying on top of your more recent diagnosis, which is the most you can do. Good luck to you.....you have many more years ahead of you to appreciate the beauty of Nature.


Hi! Thanks for the warm welcome, and reply! 🙂🌺💗🙏

Like you said, alot of the symptoms I have reported, even new ones, are being dismissed, ignored, or explained away. I am really feeling that it is time for a new oncologist. I like to say I am the CEO when it comes to my healthcare, I hire and fire accordingly. Life is so very short!
I am glad you were persistent, and are having success with alternative medicine! Take care, and best wishes!

P.S. I am a native Floridian, but lived out in Cali for a few years. It's a beautiful place also! 😍


Thank you for the reply and positive vibes! 😁 The patient advocate training you received was a blessing in disguise! Blonde huh? Me too, lol!
I saw my robotic surgeon today, and finally am released. Hooray! I had what turned out to be a huge hernia and the Co2 went to my upper body and caused alot of problems. This was recent, after frontal? back surgery, and open gallbladder removal. No more baby bump, lol! We discussed my labs, and symptoms with the MGUS. He agrees, a new hematologist is needed, and laughingly said he knows I will take care of it, and myself.
Tomorrow I see my PCP about the labs, and a referral. Also I was recently told I needed an order to schedule a diagnostic mammogram, wow, after an hour on hold. Sometimes it can get old fighting for care, and your health, but I will never give up!
My (only child), daughter has been a CCRN for years, and is now in mgmt. If I need to cry, or an advocate I know whom to call. I would say prayer, and positive thinking are part of this whole picture as well!
I truly wish you the very best! The life changes you have experienced are huge compared to myself. I learned a long time ago, that somebody always has it way worse than you do. Helping others is such a reward. I hope the days until your appt fly by! Please keep us posted.


😃🎈❤️. Thank you
Love and Peace


Hi Heidi! 😁
I think since we are newer members we can't dm each other. I tried to include my email and it wasn't allowed either.
My appt went okay. It seems my health issues overwhelm the Dr, and I know myself to. It's alot to squeeze into a 15 min appt. Plan to repeat labs in 2-3 weeks, also checking for RA. Stat mammogram ordered and scheduled for next week. Referral for new hematologist. More appts and more doctors.. but understand the necessity.
My daughter and two teenage grandsons have set off from SC on a two week cross country excursion. They have a lot of plans in CA. I know they will have alot of fun, and she deserves the time off. I think Yosemite is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited. 😁 It's the screen saver on my phone.
Not such good timing here with all this. I am hoping to start a new job, and move locally very soon.
I am looking in to ways to better my diet, and hopefully become more active.
I'm glad you have good support, and with your training know to advocate (nicely, lol) for yourself.
Taking good care of ourselves, staying positive, and prayer are major to do's.
I hope you have a great weekend! Take care! 🤗💗🙏💫


I want to say thank you Rosemary. I have read and reread your answers and am so hopeful my journey gets better. My pets have always been my life and I want to get back where I can do Moore of their care again. It makes me hopeful.


I want to say thank you Rosemary. I have read and reread your answers and am so hopeful my journey gets better. My pets have always been my life and I want to get back where I can do Moore of their care again. It makes me hopeful.

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@ibmaxine, I wish I could accept your note of appreciation, however, I was merely the interviewer for this Spotlight Interview. The member who shared her inspiration for hope through her love of love of nature and animals is @sepdvm.
I really enjoyed doing this interview because, although I am not an animal/pet person, I do get inspiration through my time in nature, and spent the past week in the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. It rained all week, and I was happy to have good dry boots and rain gear as my husband and I did some hiking.

Here is a long running discussion group that you might want to check out:
- What Pets Can Do: Health and Healing


I want to say thank you Rosemary. I have read and reread your answers and am so hopeful my journey gets better. My pets have always been my life and I want to get back where I can do Moore of their care again. It makes me hopeful.

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Hello @ibmaxine it is good to hear from you. I know how much our pets mean to us and how much they enhance our lives. Yours are a part of your support system, and even when you are not well feeling well enough to participate in all of their care, they are still providing their love and devotion to you. I hope you continue to strive for wellness and never give up hope. Stay strong.

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