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307 total results
Discussions (54)
Periods Post Oopherectomy
woman who was diagnosed with Stage 2 B invasive ... ductal carcinoma in 2020.
Who knows anything or even has bc that has turned into fungating wound
Have invasive ductal carcinoma...the
Leoprolide and Tamoxifen effectiveness of reducing cancer reoccurrence
I am 41 and pre-menopausal, had invasive ... ductal carcinoma.
Has anyone taking Tamoxifen experienced heartburn with abdominal pain?
Diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma
Anastrozole - should I take?
diagnosed with stage ER/PR+, HER-2- Invasive ... ductal carcinoma, grade 1a, of the
What kind of scan should one have after a partial mastectomy surgery?
to ensure that there's no more Invasive ... ductal carcinoma left in me; however
Best with Dense Breasts - MRI/Ultrasound/Mammo with tomo
Stage 3C ER+ PR+ HER2/neu unamplified invasive ... ductal carcinoma of the left breast
Lumpectomy for IDC: Calm but as the date approaches, getting nervous
Diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
Preparing for Chemotherapy
• Diagnosed with Invasive ... ductal carcinoma (IDC) in one breast
Can Second Opinion be obtained at Mayo if starting 2nd round of chemo?
She is currently in treatment for Invasive ... Ductal Carcinoma (HER 2+), with it
Direct to Implant and Reconstruction Same Day
was just diagnosed with Stage III Invasive ... Ductal Carcinoma(Breast Cancer).
Hi I just got diagnosed with breast cancer, any tips?
report, because in one area it says ductal ... carcinoma in situ but also invasive
Breast Surgery; any advice to prepare for surgery?
biopsy reports:
Left Breast: carcinoma ... invasive ductal type grade 1 , ERPR ... negative
Right breast: Focal atypical ductal
First post treatment follow up with the oncologist
lumpectomy in November 2018 for a stage 1 invasive ... ductual carcioma that was 5mm in size