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1,437 total results
Comments (1,348)
@kjnor Would you tell us more about what medications you've tried? I take a few for...
neuropathy pain in my feet, and had a spinal ... cord stimulator implant in June last
I have been in chronic back pain for 10 years or longer i have 2 bulging...
they asked me if i wanted to try a spinal ... cord stimulator and i was wondering
@gailg I've been in the opioid tussle for around ten years. My pcp is with a...
they will help as an adjunct to the spinal ... cord stimulator.
I'm not ready or willing to give up on my mind. I tried every medication available...
But since I had a spinal cord stimulator
@michelewithonel I haven't had a biopsy in my arms, but I had a set of 3...
been primarily in my feet and I had a spinal ... cord stimulator implant in June that
@hosta Eve, I'm so sorry that the procedure hasn't helped. Is it something that's supposed to...
I had a spinal cord stimulator implant
@ujeeniack I think your question might have been directed to me? I've tried every medication available...
neuropathy pain, with no luck, and I had a spinal ... cord stimulator implant in June. ... The stimulator implant has given me
I'm being referred to a specialist who is both a neurologist and a head doctor. The...
urologist and a surgeon who implanted a spinal ... cord stimulator.
@bblinder I understand not wanting to be over medicated. I know that I have been at...
taking 90mg a day, but in June, I had a spinal ... cord stimulator implant, and I have
@skullborous I have burning pain in my feet, as well, mostly in the balls of my...
peripheral neuropathy, and since I had a spinal ... cord stimulator implant in June, I've
@sevey41 I've tried every medication for neuropathy pain that's available, and many others that are off...
off morphine once, before I had the spinal ... cord stimulator, and the pain became
@bookworm Have you considered a spinal cord stimulator? I had an implant in June, and it...
Have you considered a spinal ... cord stimulator?
@artscaping In Oregon, I have to pay $200 annually for an appointment with a doctor who...
how much benefit I'll get from the spinal ... cord stimulator, and for how long.
@jenapower Hi Jennifer. As far as I know, it's designed to work with nerve pain. The...
connected to the nerves that are in the spinal ... I would Google Burst DR or spinal cord ... stimulator for more information.
Jim, Can you or anyone explain all the uses of a spinal cord stimulator? You're using...
or anyone explain all the uses of a spinal ... cord stimulator?
Hi @bellavista. One treatment that has changed my life is a spinal cord stimulator implant. I...
treatment that has changed my life is a spinal ... cord stimulator implant.
@bugs If you read prior posts, you'll see how others of us deal with neuropathic pain....
A spinal cord stimulator implant has
@parus I have tried so many drugs, I can't remember them all. Right now I'm taking...
Now, since I had a spinal cord stimulator
@johnwburns, I've been seeing low hemoglobin in a string of blood draws over the past year,...
peripheral neuropathy, and recently had a spinal ... cord stimulator implant, which is making
Welcome @pfox, I am 49 years old and have suffered with CRPS now for almost nine...
Second is usually by way of SCSS (Spinal ... Cord Stimulation Surgery) This surgery ... a needle into the spine near the spinal ... cord, which provides a tingling sensation ... Once implanted, the stimulator can be
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