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892 total results
Comments (811)
I have been diagnosed with perpherall neuropathy. It started with numbness in my thumb and forefinger...
pressure, to feeling of stabbing pain, electrical ... shocks, burning in the hands and cold
Welcome, @elainesharon. You'll notice that I moved your message to a discussion called "Electric Shock" type...
your message to a discussion called "Electric ... Shock" type pain in my scalp!" ... from other members about this type of electric ... shock pain. ... Did the electric shock sensation go
Thanks, @kimabooker. Both the heart monitor and the blood pressure monitor I have used were attached...
my symptoms seemed to me to be like electric ... shock.
"Has anybody else noticed 'warning signs' of an impending flare of PMR?" -------------------------- YES! I had...
I could handle "random electrical ... When those electrical zaps would happen ... shocks would cause. ... shocks stop. ... a matter of time until the full on electricity
Hello, posting this here as I posted in the wrong group. I’m a 28 y/o female...
o female who has been experiencing electrical ... shock like sensations for over two ... It feels like electricity is running
@irr4et Thank you for letting me know that my explanation of the brain was helpful to...
will also ask about the pains and electric-like ... shocks you feel in your scalp.
Hi, The coughing continues but has a new development - I somehow got pertussis or whooping...
Then, my arms and legs feel like an electrical ... shock went through them and this is
I have been diagnosed by Orthro dr and primary care dr, and I am 98 yrs...
my daily living, walkers, rollator, electric ... wheel chair, grabbers, putting on my sock
I have had neuropathy for over three years. When activity became less and less I started...
They got me back up and going but the electric ... shock pain was unbearable. ... was growing immune she mentioned the shock
My son has been playing with electrical cords and accidentally shocked himself. So I'm going to...
My son has been playing with electrical ... cords and accidentally shocked himself
@yorkie01 I have "electrocution" on my neurologist's lists of problems. I was hit by the equivalent...
and I explain that I had a serious electric ... shock.
I had TKR Feb 19. When the nerve block wore off the next day, i had...
nerve a couple times resulting in electrical ... shock like pain.
Welcome Michelle @minniemouse64, Sorry to hear you are dealing with problems in your feet and hands...
in your feet and hands along with shocks ... type feeling or something else like electrical ... shocks throughout the body.
I got the Boston scientific wave writer Alpha implanted back in 2022. After a successful trial,...
I felt electrical shock even my therapy ... programming that showed I wasn’t having any electrical ... shocks that they could detect. ... brought me to my knees, I have had shocks ... down to my calfs are plugged into an electric
Started about 10-12 yrs ago with pins and needles in my one foot and then went...
Electrical shocks were worst.
Yes third time I took it. Severe ab pain even with radiating up chest pain or...
I used electric warm pak on front which ... Shucks.
Wonder if anyone is having symptoms similar to those described below and has advice on what...
plantar fascia and sometimes like an electrical ... shock.
I too am taking Gabapentin, 400 a.m. and 800 at bedtime....and I too have icy feet...
I use an electric heating pad that I ... found on Amazon along with socks.
I can enpathise with you Motown. There are nights when my one leg start jumping and...
Or electrical shock feelin in my ankles
@upstatephil Phil, Oh my gosh.... what a close call! Your story illustrates why we need multiple...
neurologist administering painful shocks ... needle in a muscle and measuring the electricity ... have to wonder if the strength of electric ... shock the first time was just too high
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