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3,611 total results
Comments (3,455)
Hi Jane- I'm wondering how you found your longitude study? I have had CRPS for almost...
I take oxycontin, lyrics, cymbalta..
I'm so sorry that you are going through so much. I don't know how Lyrics and...
I don't know how Lyrics
and cymbalta
Hi, I also take Duloxetine after Two years ago trying Gap and Lyerica. They were no...
after Two years ago trying Gap and Lyerica
"Now I've had the time of my life...",vid:9kUzCgdOO5M,st:0
I so remember the song as you wrote some of the lyrics. Cancer treatments. Nothing any...
the song as you wrote some of the lyrics
I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and may be getting infusions. Has anyone had...
I take lyrics and noritriptoline.
It's a bit of a depressing song, but a song called "Reindeer King" by Tori Amos...
The lyrics of this song really speak
I'm Jim and I had a large tumor removed from right frontal temporal lobe by way...
The lyrics caught me by surprise one
When you feel down, this is a wonderful song to sit with the feelings, and overcome...
Batie / Jennifer Decilveo
Rise Up lyrics
Welcome to this group and to the recovery process. As a 2 year old survivor, you...
especially in the car, and sing the lyrics
I use Lyica an one pill twice a day. I get it free through Special Pharmacy....
I use Lyica an one pill twice a day.
I wonder if they don't want to wait because they are worried about your lung collapsed...
concerning what you wrote about the Lyric
Thank you @dishpain Not too much information around but Mayo nailed it! Excellent forum. I had...
Worked with ibuprofen, lyrics, tizanidine
This new song (2023) may be sort of relevant here, since we are taught to invest...
Some lyrics
What's the dosage of Lyric and dosage of Benfotiamine do you take?
What's the dosage of Lyric and dosage
I am 86 and have had peripheral neuropathy in my legs for some time. I don't...
I take Lyrics (generic) for it, and
I have c5 and c6 fusion on Dec. 13th. I'm at the 3-month date and still...
Lycrica helps some but I want to be
I’ve had HAs from Costco. All from them are OTE types. I wanted to try the...
I wanted to try the Lyric which are
Good afternoon, @deek15redpeppers Your post reminds me of so many situations with my wife. I often...
myself singing the Rolling Stones' lyrics
There are some folks who take these drugs and claim a high. That’s why the fDa/Ada...
Lyrics will produce seizures if taken
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