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892 total results
Comments (811)
I would also recommend a cervical spinal MRI with contrast. I had similar symptoms 30 years...
The electric shock feeling is called
I was diagnosed with CIDP after my bout with Covid 2 years ago The tingling in...
Then I had the electrical storms in ... Homemade shock treatment. lol After ... The electrical stuff went away after
Hi, I have Sjögren’s syndrome (at least that’s what they tell me) small nerve fiber sensory...
I would say wear socks to bed. ... If they are burning, don’t use electric
I can’t believe I actually have TN, but I’ve been suffering with those electrical ,shocks for...
but I’ve been suffering with those electrical ... ,shocks for years, interestingly, ... prednisone, and I haven’t had one “shock ... I can barely walk straight, but no shocks
Many issues here give me reason to be grateful for my many problems. I'm so very...
Yes, kinda like the "electrical ... shocks" described by some.
Hi delia74 they showed my brain and white matter on MRI scan.neurolgist I'm dyslexic excuse my...
excuse my spellings.they want to put electric ... shock in my head.hope your keeping
I took this medication only once. 100 mg before going to bed. Three hours later I...
toes, which goes from like little electrical ... shocks and other things that I didn
Cardioversion is an electrical reset of the heart's SA node (sino atrial node, from where the...
Cardioversion is an electrical reset ... (sino atrial node, from where the electrical ... , they'll now how to place the shock ... In summary, it is a series of shocks ... If one of the three shocks works, you
Yes, the doctor said it’s very common with dementia BUT it’s much worse with men when...
shirt to be changed daily (but not socks ... He sleeps in his clothes, socks, and ... Take off shoes, socks, pants, underwear ... dry shampoo for hair once weekly, electric ... loves Walmart- the tool section, the electrical
Hi Everyone, how are you? I have been quiet for a while, but I have been...
clammy at times and getting very brief eletric ... shocks from the bottom right side of
Hi Bcool123. I too have freezing feet very often. My circulation tests have come in great...
I can't wear compression socks, ... I wear old stretched out thin socks ... I use an electric warming blanket on
Hello, My name is Rebecca and I am 52 years old. I have been dealing with...
very long, hence the reason I am in a electric ... I shook my head yes and she asked me ... do you know what's going on I shook
Betty: I did go to the foundation site your were sent to and I did find...
With the rebuilder I wear the electric ... socks every morning for 30 minutes.
spinal issues/ spinal cord damage Lyme disease EMF sensitivity MS Paresthesias, hyperesthesias, neuropathy etc. are terms...
I had a severe electric shock in 2014
Yes we're very on top of the MRIs and cts. Two things people should know about....
For me my right foot has crazy electrical ... Just these crazy electrical shocks in
Doc was concerned with tingling in hands. I was also getting some strange like electrical pulsing...
was also getting some strange like electrical ... Like a small shock.
I have diabetic neuropathy in my feet and before I took any prescription drugs I tried...
It stopped the electric shock type pain ... afraid to quit for fear the pain, electric ... shock and burning will come back.
@windyshores ICD refers to Inplanted Cardiac Defibrillator. Mine will speed up my heart when ventricles goes...
that does not work it will give me an electrical ... shock to heart. ... new medication I have not had any shocks
Sarcoidosis runs in my family. This part of this paper ( describes my symptoms to a...
throughout the day, eg, starting with electric-shock
Thank You for welcoming me. The 1st 4 months every other week I flew to another...
beach, carpet, concrete driveway, socks ... from accupuncture, physical therapy, eletric
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