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158 total results
Comments (147)
Have you been checked for Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT)? There are many varieties of CMT. Your...
been checked for Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT ... There are many varieties of CMT. ... I’ve been diagnosed with CMT1B, but ... if you do have CMT, it could easily
Yes, those are my main symptoms. I also have some hearing loss which affects about 28%...
which affects about 28% of people with CMT ... Was the CMT testing you had done genetic
I was born with CMT [CHARCO MARIE TOOTH] .CMT is a progressive neuromuscular disease that damages...
I was born with CMT [CHARCO MARIE TOOTH ... ] .CMT is a progressive neuromuscular ... CMT affects an astounding 3 million ... There is currently no cure for CMT.
Yes, the CMT I had was for genetic testing. My grandmother had hammer toes on both...
Yes, the CMT I had was for genetic testing ... I went there specifically for the CMT
Welcome @cheesehead10, There are a couple of other discussions you might find helpful to connect with...
helpful to connect with others with CMT ... :
-- CMT=Charcot Marie Tooth Disease ... neurological-disorder-form-of-md/
-- CMT ... / ... Clinic also has some information on CMT
It sounds like you may have Charcot, Marie, Tooth condition (CMT) and a neurologist needs to...
have Charcot, Marie, Tooth condition (CMT ... DNA can then give you the type oF CMT
Research CMT Genetic Disease.
Research CMT Genetic Disease.
Is Charcot-Marie-Tooth an autoimmune disease? No, CMT isn't an autoimmune disease. However, some mutations of the...
No, CMT isn't an autoimmune disease ... gene, which are often the cause of CMT
Welcome @annehouseofdreams, @mhr31 posted earlier in this discussion that they were born with CMT and may...
discussion that they were born with CMT ... There is also an older discussion on CMT ... — CMT=Charcot Marie Tooth Disease ... case you haven't seen them:
--- CMT
Hello @cherylmcg, Welcome to Connect. I see that you have already connected with @yellowdoggirl who has...
-- What is CMT ... ... /what-is-cmt/
Have you seen a rheumatologist
@lorifin777 When you ask about "cmt1x" are you referring to Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy? If so, here is...
lorifin777 When you ask about "cmt1x ... ... /managing-cmt/breathing-and-cmt/
Hello @msamm2 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Are you taking gabapentin for restless legs or...
legs or as part of your treatment for CMT ... group of members, either who have CMT
I have Charlotte Marie Tooth (CMT) disease which is rare and inherited. I inherited the disease...
I have Charlotte Marie Tooth (CMT) disease ... There are 5 types of CMT. ... last count there were 2600 diagnosed CMT
Same here. Not definitive for CMT. The PN cause is still unknown, although it is non...
Not definitive for CMT.
My peripheral neuropathy is caused by CMT. It’s inherited. There are lots of resources on the...
peripheral neuropathy is caused by CMT
@mitfit - Yes, I was tested for CMT at University of PA in 2018 and came...
@mitfit - Yes, I was tested for CMT ... He has a special interest in CMT and
There is a list of neurotoxic medications that can make neuropathy worse, and prilosec is one...
You can find it on the cmt usa website
Thank you so much. I don’t have a clue what CMT might be but I’ll do...
I don’t have a clue what CMT might be
Also genetic testing through Stanford did not find defective gene, even though CMT is suppose to...
not find defective gene, even though CMT
Welcome @cmtperson, It's good to hear that you are doing what you can to keep your...
There are quite a few discussions on CMT ... search=CMT.
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