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651 total results
EDIT: Recently, I got diagnosed by Stanford University's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome clinic as having met all...
me on a new medication called "low ... dose naltrexone", which has anti-inflammatory ... properties in small doses.
Posted: Mar 26 2:05am
@matttheschmatt I just googled your question and I found several websites that discuss LDN, here is...
the above referenced article: "Low-dose ... naltrexone (LDN) has been demonstrated ... These effects may be unique to low dosages ... of naltrexone and appear to be entirely ... Published trials have low sample sizes
Support Group: Brain & Nervous System
Posted: May 29, 2018
My father (I am his caregiver; he has PMR) takes low dose naltrexone (LDN) for fatigue....
am his caregiver; he has PMR) takes low ... dose naltrexone (LDN) for fatigue. ... of naltrexone. ... At such small doses, it's used off ... It's very low risk.