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2,268 total results
@artscaping Good morning. My eyes were bad last night and I could not re-create. I stupidly...
My opiod use of 5 mg hydrocodone did ... effectiveness is the nature of the opiod ... want to experiment with different opiods ... I feel fortunate to receive opiod therapy ... So, the opioid lifts me and hit my sharp
@bushy: If it helps you, by all means take some pain medication before PT. When I...
helps you, by all means take some pain ... individual patient, so even without pain ... surgery, and finally TKR - all without pain ... pills for PT, and even post-surgery pain ... management at home max 9-10 days of opioids
With any drug that isn't life or death, I like to every so often, taper off...
There primary purpose was never as a pain ... that some folks get relief from that pain ... that very few people find relief from pain ... happens to the production figures for opiods ... investigating the manufacturers of opioids
I'm not a fan of the current President butour problems with pain meds and the withholding...
current President butour problems with pain ... investigating the manufacturers of opioids ... NOT start with honest Doctors and pain
I completely understand I just drug is a very deep dark experience. We are so desperate...
that would work to help us with our pain ... now that they cramp down on opioids