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894 total results
Since booster I am getting tingling all over body at night feels like electrical shocks impossible...
all over body at night feels like electrical ... shocks impossible to get appt with
@loribmt and @julieo4 When I was wearing analog aids and living in New York my hair...
I remember getting static electricity ... Static electricity can occur when two ... rare that I have experienced static electricity ... only remember a few times I got a “shock ... aids, might be sensitive to static electricity
I started having pain in my left foot that traveled up my calf than it moved...
sensitivity, painful pricking, sharp electric ... shock like pain that seems to be damaging
It feels like electricity since it is all the time to say "shock" wouldn't capture the...
It feels like electricity since it is ... all the time to say "shock"
@birdman518 Hello Birdman! We had chatted in August and then you said you would be waiting...
I could also generate a huge electric ... shock down my body by bending my neck