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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
4,420 total results
Hello @neuroliz and welcone! I'm curious what kind of Dr you are referring to that is...
I'm curious what kind of Dr you ... that is suggesting stem cells for neuropathy ... denial, scraping and searching for any help ... my disease but, I was desperate for help ... We are here to help, support, encourage
I have autonomic neuropathy from stage three kidney failure. It first started in my small intestine,...
I have autonomic neuropathy from stage ... It doesn't help me but when that ... fifty years, sound out the words to help ... I don't understand things or what ... And, I have what I call, brain fog.
My NCS and EMG was also negative but I've had two neuro surgeon and neurologist say...
surgeon and neurologist say I have Neuropathy ... What good are the tests if the doctors ... I had something good to report and help
I live alone. Have a son in Nebraska. I am wheelchair dependent but do walk with...
Peripheral neuropathy is a progression ... but left their office without any help ... Would appreciate what others have done
@fiesty76 Please make sure your friend watches the lymphedema!!!! Following bi lateral mastectomy for breast cancer...
and Massage Therapy but it really helped ... The Physical Therapy can really help ... is on it long term for peripheral neuropathy ... in his feet and it helps some but not ... any thoughts on that but it's what