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150 total results
Hi Deborah, thanks for responding. I was put on .625 mg of Premarin at age 31,...
was immediately put on 0.05 mg of Estradiol ... (patch) so I am getting 7 days of estrogen ... have not any changes from Premarin to estradiol
I don’t understand why people use Keytruda. A lot of people have problems with it being...
Another option would be to switch To an estradiol ... patch. ... The patch study just recently completed ... , and it found that the estradiol patch
I am just beginning a protocol of bioidenticals…an estradiol patch, testosterone and progesterone. I just completed...
beginning a protocol of bioidenticals…an estradiol ... patch, testosterone and progesterone
I am 74 years old and started using a transdermal estradiol patch for osteopenia seven months...
old and started using a transdermal estradiol ... patch for osteopenia seven months ago
I have had hot flashes for 22 years now. I am 72. I also take BHRT...
I also take BHRT (0.025 Estradiol patch