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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
839 total results
I know one other person who got the same info from their doctor as you, so...
worse, so it’s probably due to the central ... sensitization underlying the Long COVID
@tracer545 Welcome to Connect. Thank you for your reply and sharing your thoughts on Dr. Sletten's...
Central Sensitization makes complete
Almost 3 years in severe pain with NO HELP. I finally diagnosed myself! Twenty three (23)...
Central sensitization has worsened the
Hello! I'd say for a few years on and off and now every so often. I...
deficiency and later diagnosed with Central ... Sensitization Syndrome. ... Its caused by an upregulation of the central
Hi @sdykema. Your certainly not alone in the myriad of symptoms club. I join you with...
suffer from Post-Covid Syndrome AKA Central ... Sensitization Syndrome, but so happy