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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,266 total results
I take a lot of supplements. He suggests corticosteroids. I have not tried that yet. I...
I just saw a pain management doctor ... I am on opioids and gabapentin and a ... He says let’s get the pain under control
Even though I had minimally invasive surgery for my repair it is minimally invasive as compared...
There was obvious healing pain for a ... couldn't handle without the use of opioids ... I even rarely took Tylenol for pain ... realize that all of us have different pain
@andytheman @luckybear You are not alone, we are many who have suffered before, or now, with...
I have a really extreme painful day ... like a snake on the floor, in so much pain ... even I already taken all kinds of opioids ... thoughts, worst fear, worries, and often pain
Hello! I've been diagnosed with Small Fiber (Poly-) Neuropathy. I have pain due to sensory symptoms...
I have pain due to sensory symptoms ... (mostly aches and shock-like pains) ... as well as autonomic effects (gut pain ... I'm in a local pain support group ... years to find) wants to prescribe opioids
Yes , congrats Michelle. I think Rachel’s comments are exactly how I will feel if I...
antidepressant, have made big changes in my opioid ... Actually , I will start weaning my opioids ... ve been on it for many years , pre pain ... hoping I can concentrate on weaning my opioids