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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
3,563 total results
Joint pain seems to be the most consistent side effect of Anastrozole. It was my experience...
Joint pain seems to be the most consistent ... Among the joint pain almost exclusively ... in my wrists and fingers, i have numbness
Hello all - after 2 years of every test known possible in the medical world as...
The pain was absolutely excruciating ... also have the condition in my ring finger ... feel very alone and isolated with my pain
Hi this is Brandy, Daniel's wife :-) Thank you guys for replying! Danny is 39yrs old...
Danny is able to bend his wrist and fingers ... Coping with diagnosis
Pain improving ... RICE prn
Improving strength in finger ... Lacks all finger and wrist extensaion
Hello @jacksparrow, I also would like to add my welcome to Teresa's. If I may take...
very similar to this on one of my fingers ... It also bumped out of my finger in a ... It was extremely painful and I needed
I also have autonomic/peripheral neuropathy caused by chemotherapy in 2006. It has progressively gotten worse during...
the numbness and not the shooting pains ... I have PN in the first joint of my fingers