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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
3,627 total results
When I get that (feet/legs burning when covers touch them, can't sleep) I know I'm not...
#39;m not taking enough gabapentin/lyrica ... being and I'm taking more gaba/lyrica ... The gaba/lyrica calms down my nervous
@dckuke @maryflorida Hi. I have Small Fiber Polyneuropathy, via skin punch biopsy, with a b12 deficiency...
I have taken Lyrica for over a year ... easier to get insurance coverage) and Lyrica ... 4 years and finally landed back on Lyrica
Good morning. The ONLY thing about Lyrica was when I first went on it it made...
The ONLY thing about Lyrica was when ... showed up my neurologist upped the Lyrica ... told that I would have to be on the Lyrica ... neurologist (but I was already on the Lyrica
I take 600mg plus 5mg Diazepam three times daily for Pudendal neuralgia. It helps somewhat, but...
and am thinking about switching to Lyrica ... I took Lyrica after back surgery about
in a bad car accident and after 98 surgeries I lost both legs and have lupus...
both legs and have lupus I was given Lyrica ... The bad thing is that the Lyrica was