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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
578 total results
An Endocrinologist may be able to help with the hot sweats. You could try a lower...
Cymbalta is also used for neuropathic
Hi Hank... our paths havent crossed for a while. Just wanted to clarify that there is...
there is lots of information about Cymbalta ... wrote on it NO, she cannot take Not Cymbalta ... Am having a bad flare up of neuropathy
Quick story—after 26 years of gout-doctor at Vanderbilt got me on allipurinol 300 to stop and...
effect symptoms—read book “Reversing Neuropathy ... understand)—doctor there suggested “cymbalta ... )—I want to return to “normal”—saw Neuropathy ... podiatrist” in Utah(20 years peripheral neuropathy ... —these 20 people “knew more” about neuropathy
@bustrbrwn22 I haven't noticed any improvement in my neuropathy pain. Unfortunately, I stepped up my morphine...
#39;t noticed any improvement in my neuropathy ... I ran out of Cymbalta Saturday, and ... been able to observe any effect from Cymbalta ... approved by the FDA for fibromyalgia and neuropathy
@jimhd Jim. How long did it take for Cymbalta to start reducing your neuropathy pain? I...
How long did it take for Cymbalta to ... start reducing your neuropathy pain