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  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,266 total results
About 18 months ago, I started having massive pain in my shoulders and hips. I’m retired...
months ago, I started having massive pain ... my life, so I’m used to aches and pains ... , but my neurologist sent me to a pain ... Well, at the pain management clinic, ... much threw a hissy fit when RXed more opioids
Hi Ray, my diagnosis is non length-dependent small fiber neuropathy. Full body plus some organ function...
The pain took a few years to fully develop ... so the opioids were actually causing ... pain rather than blocking it. ... So now I’m off of all opioids and the ... pain is crushing.
Hello @rjjacobsen. I see why you posted because of pain management, or lack thereof. How frustrating....
I see why you posted because of pain ... sad space when you get to wanting pain ... Good for you for not going the opioid ... cancer, but I live with a chronic pain ... hit that dead end with traditional pain