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3,773 total results
I have been on IVIG with Privigen for 6 months and have had only 1 RITUXAN...
I have no pain with my illness but numbness ... in both feet and both hands. ... As to the numbness, some days are better
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Oct 2, 2023
I'm taking Standard Process brand Garlic supplement twice a day for micro clots in my feet...
twice a day for micro clots in my feet ... and lower legs which are numb, achey ... fog, etc., but it didn't help my feet ... added the garlic and now my feet are
Discussion: Micro Clots
Posted: Sep 26, 2023
Hi @sturner62 I BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU ARE SAYING. So sorry to hear what you're going through....
claimed pins and needles then sudden numbness ... A lot more than numbness happens with ... I couldn't walk 10 feet without
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Sep 25, 2023