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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
1,438 total results
OK, let's try this again. The pain pump was surgically implanted in my abdominal wall after...
Those meds, along with a spinal cord ... stimulator (implanted in 2018) got
I’m with Victoria iris . Forget all the other garbage I’ve done it all sorry to...
quads, hamstrings and the tip of my spinal ... cord . ... I I’ve tried …, Spinal cord stimulator
Hi, I'm Pat, a 79 year old female. Back pain got bad in 2017. While trying...
I am now trying a Stimwave spinal cord ... stimulator. ... else had experience with any of these stimulators
Yes to the pudendal nerve question: The spinal cord stimulator is working and is very effective...
to the pudendal nerve question: The spinal ... cord stimulator is working and is very ... be patient in trying locations and stimulation ... and getting so much relief from the stimulator
A lot of doctor's use 2 or 3 different types of Spinal Cord Stimulator's.
#39;s use 2 or 3 different types of Spinal ... Cord Stimulator's.