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3,387 total results
Hi, I guess I will start from what I know First I was a very healthy...
I get crazy joint pain that makes no ... Like painful awful hell. ... in my hand became hard and huge and painful ... Not thumb, just the four fingers and
Support Group: Autoimmune Diseases
Posted: Feb 3, 2020
@mom29907 I'd like to add my welcome as well We all have chronic pain and found...
welcome as well We all have chronic pain ... ice bags relieve the inflammation Ginger ... 4 a day but now 1-2 as needed for pain
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Feb 2, 2020
Sorry for the misunderstanding -- pain began one year ago in January 2019. I have tapered...
Sorry for the misunderstanding -- pain ... 6 mg of prednisone and am free of pain ... : lingering stiffness occurs on and
@lgerkin @vklittle61 I don't have pundental nerve entrapment, but I have read that Myofascial release physical...
discussion on MFR, and there is a provider finder ... myofascial-release-therapy-mfr-for-treating-compression-and-pain
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: Jan 18, 2020
Never had the vaccine, but my PN came on sudden and was is very intense. This...
happened following extreme internal pain ... intense where it involved my hands fingers
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jan 14, 2020