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4,699 total results
Update stage 4 Roswell has been seeing an orthopedic doctor regarding a mass that showed up...
Right after the hand injury to make ... forward to Friday she was having extreme right ... will need to have an echo, MRI of her chest
Hi there! I think i have similar symptoms above but with other symptoms as well, Well...
in my hand, all of this was in my right ... i did not think much of it and by night ... feeling the vibrations in my head and chest ... ( upper chest ) and i started to have ... thats when i feel the shaking in my chest
IDK if it’s possible to have both Nutcracker Syndrome and Jackhammer Syndrome but I believe the...
just beginning to sip my coffee, my chest ... hurt so bad I couldn’t swallow and chest ... hurt all day and night
Hi Jennifer, thanks again for your advice. Two weeks ago I was managing my pain ok,...
Last night I was under the effect of ... I get referred pain in my left chest ... Also feeling throbbing in my right shoulder ... could feel the left lower back very tight
My UCLA doctor told me that my cancer was very aggressive and very high risk. Just...
When I needed a bone scan or a chest ... test, they got this taken care of right