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4,699 total results
It sounds like you have found a raod that is right for you. I have had...
like you have found a raod that is right ... Everything is taken down to the chest ... You are right it is your journey, but
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Posted: May 27, 2023
I’ve revisited this thread periodically over the last few months because I’ve also been experiencing this...
It’s awful, you lay in bed at night ... lungs are the size of peanuts and your chest ... Tummy goes out when breathing, not chest
Support Group: Lung Health
Posted: May 25, 2023
I am startled when I hear all of you lovely women have had this basketball following...
glands were removed (some were down the chest ... I had the drains in my chest for about ... Mastectomy, I have had some swelling of my right
I had bilateral in Nov 2022 and opted for flat. But I should have taken in...
have the small side bulges and my chest ... Everyone that has seen my chest askes ... I have prothesis and because my chest ... concaves there is a gap between my chest ... #39;m wondering if an electric razor might
Support Group: Breast Cancer
Posted: May 24, 2023