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443 total results
I have pudendal neuropathy and find accupuncture helps with the pain buts it needs lots of...
I have pudendal neuropathy and find ... accupuncture helps with the pain buts
My name is Valerie Windsor and I have lumbar arachnoiditis and cervical neuropathy as well as...
lumbar arachnoiditis and cervical neuropathy ... massage/physical therapy, tens-unit, acupuncture
Happy weekend all! It's been a bit of time since I've written. I'm starting a new...
I've gone the shot route, acupuncture ... need a cane or walker to walk and neuropathy
Yes, have auto immune neuropathy cidp. Hands and feet unbearable pain. Took very long to diagnose.....
Yes, have auto immune neuropathy cidp ... Has anyone tried ,laser treatments, acupuncture
Hi, Misovercomer. I take two products to ease (not eliminate) my chemo-induced neuropathy. Topricin makes a...
ease (not eliminate) my chemo-induced neuropathy ... specifically for fibromyalgia and neuropathy ... by a doctor of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture