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  • Search by keywords or complete phrases.
  • To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
892 total results
The adage goes that "Misery loves company" but while it helps to know we are not...
back/spinal pain and the shooting electrical ... just LOVE to slip on those foot-mask socks
Support Group: Fibromyalgia
Posted: Nov 27, 2023
Dear All, Thank you for this support group! My name is Krisztina, I am a violinist...
have some “phantom” nerve pain, like electrical ... shock, but it is not so bad that I
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Nov 25, 2023
Do PT twice a week. Did have a test. Not sure what it was. The Doc...
The Doc used equipment that gave me electrical ... shocks all up and down legs, arms and
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Nov 16, 2023