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  • Search by keywords or complete phrases.
  • To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
578 total results
It has been a 4 year journey filled with troubleshooting and misfires before landing on my...
I stick with Lyrica, tried Cymbalta ... My neurologist claims it was from neuropathy ... suggestion to anyone with peripheral neuropathy ... 3 weeks Living with peripheral neuropathy
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: May 12, 2020
I'm so sorry your wife had side effects and Cymbalta was not meant for her. As...
sorry your wife had side effects and Cymbalta ... Cymbalta has been successful for my ... depression, anxiety and peripheral neuropathy
@sassytwo If they can get to the bottom of what is causing small fiber neuropathy/small fiber...
bottom of what is causing small fiber neuropathy ... isn’t treatment other than taking Cymbalta
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Nov 3, 2024