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262 total results
No, I had a pancreadectomy/spleenectomy followed by liver resection.
No, I had a pancreadectomy/spleenectomy
Hello, My regimen was different. 12 rounds fulfurinox, Y90, 2 more rounds of folfuri(without the ox)...
without the ox) than the pancreadectomy/spleenectomy
My distal/spleenectomy was in December. I had no chronic concerns coming into it except my liver...
My distal/spleenectomy was in December
Hi. Also went to MDA Houston, Dr. Chihara. He doesn’t like splenectomies, mainly Rituxan. Were you...
He doesn’t like splenectomies, mainly
Hello Jim, I did 12 rounds of Fulfurinox which greatly shrunk my tumors and caused necrosis....
chemo rounds, I had pancreadectomy and spleenectomy