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  • Search by keywords or complete phrases.
  • To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,758 total results
Hi, I had rheumatic fever when I was 8. And I have had a horrible time...
Hi, I had rheumatic fever when I was ... And I have had a horrible time with allergies ... Wonder if anyone else had rheumatic fever
Wed, Mar 15 at 2:14pm CDT Hi there, im new to this groip. Last year i...
participating in the MAC support group several ... Ive had severe weakness before and after ... injection last Friday, where i had an allergy ... lung and increased inflammation, food allergies ... since i had several injections over
Thanks for sharing your story. I have neuropathy and am due for a change in chemo...
due for a change in chemo due to an allergic ... oxiplatinum but it is out due to the severe ... allergic reaction.
Support Group: Pancreatic Cancer
Posted: May 8, 2023
Personally I like chlortrimeton allergy pills. Took them for over 60 years from when I was...
Personally I like chlortrimeton allergy ... years from when I was a kid and had allergy ... I've never heard of allergies being ... by rheumatologist by blood labs for allergies ... allergist was a jerk and said I had lo allergies
Support Group: Autoimmune Diseases
Posted: Jun 27, 2023