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- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
892 total results
I was diagnosed with CIDP after my bout with Covid 2 years ago The tingling in...
Then I had the electrical storms in ... Homemade shock treatment. lol After ... The electrical stuff went away after
Hi, I have Sjögren’s syndrome (at least that’s what they tell me) small nerve fiber sensory...
I would say wear socks to bed. ... If they are burning, don’t use electric
I can’t believe I actually have TN, but I’ve been suffering with those electrical ,shocks for...
but I’ve been suffering with those electrical ... ,shocks for years, interestingly, ... prednisone, and I haven’t had one “shock ... I can barely walk straight, but no shocks
Many issues here give me reason to be grateful for my many problems. I'm so very...
Yes, kinda like the "electrical ... shocks" described by some.
Hi delia74 they showed my brain and white matter on MRI scan.neurolgist I'm dyslexic excuse my...
excuse my spellings.they want to put electric ... shock in my head.hope your keeping